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a/n: hey guys i've been taking a break from things and really trying to focus on myself and my desires (as you all should be doing as well) so i haven't gotten around to writing my own chapter yet. but, i found this AMAZING post off of the neville goddard reddit that i wanted to share with you guys. it's the best thing i've ever read. i hope it suffices (let's be real it's better than anything i could write lmao) until i update another topic of my own!

creds to original owner!!

The state of the wish fulfilled + how to get into it despite opposing 3d

This is by FAR the one thing I see that stumps people the most when it comes to manifesting, so I wanted to share the explanation of being in the state/living in the end that really made it click for me and changed everything for the better.

"Feeling" is not an emotion

The first thing you have to realize is that the "feeling" of the wish fulfilled is not actually an emotion. If this were true, we would never feel new emotions lol. Did you have to force yourself to feel happy in order to manifest whatever event made you the happiest you've ever felt? Did you force yourself to feel empty inside and miserable in order to manifest a breakup? No! You just assumed, for one reason or another, that the next day would be a good day, or that you'd have fun at the fair or wherever, or in the case of the breakup, you worried that you might not last. Emotion has nothing to do with getting in the state- Neville even said this himself:

"When I speak of feeling I do not mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled." -Neville Goddard

So what does this acceptance feel like?

The state of the wish fulfilled, or living in the end, is really just as simple as deciding that something is going to happen anyway.

Not just if you try to manifest it, but anyway. Without you even trying. Without you even doing any technique at all. Because what manifests is not you trying, it's what you assume will happen anyway.

The whole reason why techniques sometimes work is because you think, "because I did this technique, my desire is now going to happen". In other words, it gets you into the state of the wish fulfilled: believing that your desire is going to happen anyway, without you needing to try to manifest it or do any techniques. It'll just happen naturally, as life goes on. THIS IS THE STATE! The reason why some people force an emotion and it works isn't because that's actually the state of the wish fulfilled- it's because it's what they believe that's what the state feels like, which- you guessed it- helps them finally believe that their desire is just going to happen anyway, no more trying needed.

The feeling has nothing to do with emotion. It's just knowing that something is going to happen. Even by believing it is going to happen in the future, you are accepting it as yours now.

When you understand this, all of a sudden it all clicks. Now, it makes sense that those advanced in their knowledge of the law claim that manifestation is easy. It makes sense that people say, it's effortless, it's not a trying process, etc. It makes sense that techniques only serve to bring you into this state. It makes sense people manifest their whole lives without even knowing about the law. And most of all, it finally makes sense that people in the state always seem to say, "it is done".

"It is done" does not necessarily mean you are deluding yourself into feeling like you have your desire now despite your 3D not showing it. It means that you know that you'll have it in the future. Because by assuming that you will eventually get your desire, you accept that it is already yours- future you has it, not current you, but it's yours nonetheless, because future you is still you!

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