14- Among Us AU (Part 1!)

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These are their suit colors just so you know who it is as we go along, part one will mostly go by color of their suits!!

This is gonna be long so bare with me.

Cyan- Oikawa
Brown- Iwaizumi

Guess the other colors >:DD
(Oikawas pov)

My eyes opened to see a room brimmed with light in every nook and cranny.

I was laying down in a bed that smelled of the hospital and dust.

My body felt sore and I could move, a specific part of my arm having a small irritation like I got a shot.

My legs were limp entirely, not being able to visibly wiggle my toes- I tried to think of what I was doing before I fell asleep.

Soon a brimming pain shot in my head as I groaned in the process of waking up.

What's up with these random headaches!?
My head hurts like hell. My body can't move and I don't know where I am.

I wanted to get up and run away until my whole body felt relaxed, a fuzzy feeling began to spread everywhere, and a gas entered my room through the vents in the ceiling.

Until I soon fell asleep.

-Time skip-

I heard heavyweight footsteps from another room.

They echoed in and out until I heard them shift. My eyes were opened immediately as I prepared for whatever was about to enter.

A man with golden eyes, a white suit, and two different dyes in his hair stood next to me.

He softly pulled my sheets away from me as a squeak, preparing to get manhandled or violated.

He giggled and moved my arms slowly with a nice smile on his face. "Im not gonna hurt ya!" He started.

"my name's Bokuto, you don't know me but I'm a vice captain here!" He said posing victoriously.

He seemed really childish.

"Where is 'here' exactly?" I asked a bit irritated. He probably noticed because his hair shifted a bit.

"Ah this is Polus! we're not sure where exactly we are but you're one the few survivors from the crash of Mira HQ mission. Don't you remember?" He asked, sitting on the bed.

"No I don't.. I've tried thinking about it but it's all a blur." I explained.

Apparently that was enough for him to feel better, because as soon as I finished talking he stood up again.

"I might know someone who could help! One of the medics that survived might know you, he's really pretty, his name's Akaashi, have you seen him before? Oh wait you don't remember much, Akaashi might be able to help with that though, Akaashi can help anyone!" Bokuto continued to ramble on about this 'Akaashi' guy.

His name sounded familiar but Oikawa couldn't remember anything at all.

His eyes landed on a cyan holographic suit just like Bokuto's, but smaller and had a silver badge that read 'First commander.'

I turned to look at Bokuto and managed to see his badge 'Captain.'

Looking at the man more I noticed he was really buff, about average height a bit shorter than me, and had a little bandage on his cheek.

Bokuto was still rambling about Akaashi as I slipped on the suit without him noticing.

I turned around and tapped him on the shoulder. "Take me to this 'Akaashi' person." I said.

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