15- Among Us AU (Part 2)

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Chapt. 15

(Also to be clear the suits don't match all the colors in Among us I'm too OCD for that.)

Walking down the hallway felt like there was a weight on my chest. I couldn't explain the amount of anxiety and pain I felt thinking of these people who barely know me, but still helped me.

Akaashi pulled me out of my thoughts luckily. "We're here." He wishpered.

Opening the double doors we walked into a room filled with chairs and plastic wrap covering all the windows.

A man in a red suit and black nappy hair seemed to be yelling across the long wooden table that could sit at least 12 people.

Akaashi cleared his throat which got everyone thats present attention.

"Ah pretty boy woke up." A guy in brown suit with similar hair from the red suited guy whispered. I don't think I was supposed to hear it but a blush spread across my face from the compliment.

He had grayish eyes and a aggressive look on his face. He might be my type. There was something familiar about him but I couldn't recall.

Akaashi pulled out a chair "sit here Oikawa-San." Ge said. "Thanks Akaashi." The black haired boy cleared his throat once more before shuffling away.

'Ah maybe he doesn't do well with complements." I thought.

The guy in the red suit started making conversation with me. "So Oikawa how are you bud?" I don't remember him.

He seems like we weren't very formal with each other, but I also don't want to say full on that I don't remember a single.

Akaashi stepped in after sitting down but being pushed into Bokutos lap which made him embarrased.

"Oikawa actually doesn't remember any of us. He seems to have memory loss or because of the trauma he just can't remember because of shock."

Everyone at the table was at loss. The guy in the red suit looking at the brown suit guy weirdly. There was pity? Sadness? I'm not sure but there was something.

The brown suited man cleared his throat stuttering his words out." W-what do you mean?" He asked.

"Well" Akaashi started "If we think about it, Oikawa was the last of us saved and he was in the main ship that exploded. So probably due to the incident  he doesn't remember anything and probably won't be able to."

The table was quiet, but Bokuto spoke up. "This is awkward." Akaashi gave him a small slap on the neck and apologized to the brown suited man.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. "Am I supposed to be remembering something specifically?"

"Oikawa do you remember our names?" The ombré haired doctor spoke. I didn't realize he came in, his name is Kenma right?

"No haha." I scratched my neck. "I only remember you, Akaashi and Bokuto's name because I learned it recently."

The ombré doctor pulled out a lollipop and started eating it, throwing a glance at the brown suited man and walking away.

Seriously what's up with that?

"Well I'm Kurro!" The red suited man said. He held out his hand and shook mine.

"I'm a Navigator on this ship! Would have been a captain if Bokuto didn't lie to Daichi." He rolled his eyes.

The white haired man stood up grabbing his "lover?" by the hip. "I didn't lie! I'm an absolute god at math." He pouted.

"Oh really? What's 9+10?" Kurro smirked

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