19- I love you

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      Small slur warning
        before we start!

This chapter is also based off my own experience with Body Dysmorphia AND Body dysphoria (all diagnosed btw) I identify as He/Them and also live in an anti-LGBTQ household so this isn't for attention or anything and i don't mean any disrespect because i myself am apart of the trans community so please be aware that this is literally just my experience given to a fictional character with some altercations. ❤️


Oikawa felt the tight straps around his ribs and chest tighten.

He let out a few shaky breaths as he winced and turned in the mirror getting a view of his body.

He noticed his eye bags and water bottles scattered across the room, letting hitched breaths in and out.

He bit his nails as he grabbed his school uniform and struggled to put it over his body, the button up shirt felt more tighter than normal but he could work through the pain.

He bent down and picked up his pants as he grained in pain from the tightness around his body.

Oikawa struggled to dress himself but did it successfully and ending in tiredness.

He grabbed his gym bag and school books and walked out the house.

Each day Oikawa pushed through the pain. The wall to school during the winter felt terrible but preferred it over the summer days and dysphoria, the heavy weight on his chest during games as he tries to drink water.

That's just the pain he's willing to go through when it comes to his body.

His boyfriend constantly pestering him about his pronouns, shouting at him about how it's wrong for him to be different.

The constant "I love you as a girl Oikawa" and a "You're a she not a he, stop this nonsense"

The endless nights without sleep as his parents fought over his well being. His father was ok with the change, he supported his sons decisions.

His mother and siblings fighting against the man saying how he was wrong for this and how it sounded like he just wanted attention.

Oikawa's walks to schools were a relief, and when he makes it to school it's like a home.

Notes and stares as he walks down the hallways in his blazer and pants, getting mocked and laughed at.

As the day goes by he losses interest in his classes and sports, his volleyball team took their time getting used to it but still supported the boy all the way.

School wasnt his escape, volleyball was. Oikawa let outa a sigh as he entered his class, another day of constant worsting by kids who make fun of him and teachers who disrespect his boundaries, and use his dead name after being repeatedly corrected.

His hands began shaking under his desk as the teacher went through attendance, landing on his dead and as he let out a shaky "Present" and tried to hold back tears.

He rubbed his arm and grabbed his pencil as he wrote down notes, the worst part about his classes is that his teachers purposely call out his dead name and ask him to demonstrate.

Iwaizumi one of the only boys in the class wasn't that close to Oikawa, him and Oikawa have been going to the same school and see each other around often but only make conversation when needed or when they see each other after school which is rare.

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