13- No such thing as too much

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Chpt. 13
Ok from now on Oikawa's shorter than Iwaizumi in these fics

Im in the mood for some cute fluff

"Oikawa what the fuck!" Iwaizumi yelled walking into Toorus kitchen.

Oikawa stuck his tongue out laughing at the other. "How many packets did you put in there!?" Iwaizumi questioned.

"Depends on what you're asking about. I made hot cocoa, ramen and I have sour patch kids too." Oikawa smirked back the the boy.

"Oh my god! How many packets of Cocoa did you put in there!?"
Oikawa laughed in response as he continued stiring both their drinks.

"Tough, you should be more concerned about your ramen. I made sure to add extra flavor." Iwaizumi grabbed the cups and moved them to the living room.

Giving Oikawa an irritated kiss on the cheek and walking away.

Oikawa finished making their ramen and moved their food to the living room as well, wrapping his white faux fur blanket over him.

"You're so spoiled." Iwaizumi laughed. Oikawa snuggled into Iwaizumi a bit and rested his head on the other boys shoulder.

"I know, but you like giving me attention." He laughed.

Iwaizumi placed a small peck into Oikawa's forehead before playing their Christmas movie of choice.
Sorry this is short, I legitimately have been working on chapters but I'm never satisfied with them BSJSBJAKSSN also again If you have any ideas or requests go to the request page!! <33

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