6- Hyena time

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Chpt. 6


BAM!  The door to the public library banged on its hinges from Makki and Mattsuns aggressive kick.

The door was old, hasn't been replaced in 20 years or so.

The group of four strutted through the door, walking up stairs to their daily table on the balcony near the ledge.

Below it were bookshelves, the library was clean and bright but the group always liked this table.

It gave Oikawa a good chance to scope out cute people, Makki finding new pranking subjects, Mattsun new people to bother with his bluntness, and Iwaizumi just random people to yell at.

Each of them having their own cupcake placed in front of them began studying. "Psst Matt" Makki shifted closer to the taller boy. "What's the answer to number 5?"

Oikawa giggled eventually becoming a scream and Iwaizumi began yelling at him as usual.

The group stayed in their spot until Mattsun got up to use the bathroom.

"Y'all..." Makki making eye contact with Oikawa before looking at Mattsun. "W-what?" Mattsun stood up dramatically "I gotta take a shit brb losers."

Oikawa and Makki bursted out laughing. Tears stunning Oikawas eyes as he struggled to breathe when laughing, Makki on the ground kicking his feet legitimately sobbing from their friends words.

Iwaizumi just stared at them. He tried to hold back his laughter to but after hearing Oikawa "oh-h my BAHAHAHAYAGAGAHA" he laughed with them.

Mattsun returned seeing the group in a fit of laughter and everyone crying.

"What happened?" He said as he reached behind Oikawas chair. "M-MAKKI STOPA AHAHAHS"

Oikawa screamed hearing Makki begin to make inhumane noises.

They began settling down, Iwaizumi patting Oikawas back to keep him from laughing. "Anyone gonna answer the question or am I gonna just stand here like a mad man?" Mattsun said. "You are a mad man tho" Makki wiped a year from his face.

"PFTT THE WAY YOU- YOU SAID- MATTSUN HOW WAS THE SHIT!?" Oikawa began laughing again.

Today was a good day for them, their inhumane laughing cause them to be removed from the library but they were happy.

Iwaizumi took Oikawas hand in his ad they walked in the direction of their neighborhood. Makki and Mattsun goin their separate ways too. "You know what Iwa-chan?" Iwaizumi hummed in response to his boyfriends rambling.

"I'm glad we have friends like them. I'd do anything for you three." Oikawa seemed off but more happy from their previous week, where everything was crashing down with exams and preparing for college.

He was buzzing his cute bubbly smile that aas plastered on his face as he skipped beside Iwaizumi.

They both had smiles plastered on their faces as the continued making their way towards Oikawa's residence.

"You know Iwa-Chan" Oikawa began, "Mattsun and Makki are pretty cute but I think we're cuter!" As the couple finished their walk stopping on the steps of Oikawas home the couple gazed into each other's eyes, it was completely dark out, both their breaths visible and heavy.

Iwaizumi leaned in cupping Oikawas face gently, their kiss was short and sweet.

The couple remained kissing for a bit until they both ran out if breath, breathing much more heavily thank before.

They both could feel the presence of lust from the other, Iwaizumi walked away slowly to Oikawas gate, finishing off their night with "I love you, see you tomorrow."

I had A LOTTTT of fun writing this! I also got a new TY plush you know the ones with the glitter eyes? I got a platepus? Plattapys? IDFK HOW TO SPELL IT BUT I NAMED HIM MAKKI OK BYE!

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