2- "Do you wanna talk about it?"

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Oikawas room smelled like citrus a tangible smell that was light but also left a slight must as an after scent.

His room covered in darkness as the moonlight pressured itself to graze through his untied curtains.

The AC on and blowing making the house chilly, with soft noises coming from the boys room.

Luckily Oikawa and Hajime practically had all the blankets in the house because his mother was out for the night while his best friend kept him company.

The sheets that lied under both boys now wrinkled from the turning of Oikawa as he suddenly a woke from a nightmare.

He let out a gasp, his body felt a but heavy as he breathed in the smells of his house, his sweat, and his best friends cologne that never leaves his body.

His eyes formed tears as the boy let out soft sobs trying not to wake up the boy next to him, sleeping soundly and peacefully.

Tooru didn't have nightmares often but they still left a traumatic impact on the the boy since he was younger. He stayed awake for a bit it was about 4am when he sobbed louder unintentionally.

Hajime stirred in his sleep, wondering where that noise was coming from until he noticed the crying pattern.

A breath, then a sniffle, another sniffle and then a hic. How could he not notice?

He got up slowly turning to face his boyfriend. Pulling Oikawa softly to his chest he shushed him quietly, playing in his hair.

Hajime kissed the top of the boys head as he sobbed softer letting it all out. Hajime didn't need to know what he was dreaming about, he didn't need to know what was wrong unless Oikawa was ready to tell him. All he needed was Oikawa to be ok, for him to sleep the rest of the night, and wake up happy in the morning.

About 30 minutes passed and Oikawa stopped crying. Both boys just sitting there not moving afraid of ruining the atmosphere.

Oikawa the first to move he sat up and crossed him legs, as his eyes landed on the clock, that read 4:00am.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Iwaizumi asked softly balancing his head on his hand that was supported but his elbow

"I- I uhm I don't know" Oikawa rambled on for a bit clearing his head Iwaizumi just laying there listening to his boyfriend play with his long sleeves, lightly pulling them further with each sentence he spoke.

Iwaizumi added input on their little rambling session, making jokes to brighten the mood.

Oikawas eyes landed back on the clock that showed 4:48am "Iwa-Chan we should go to sleep" Oikawa said softly

"Ok" Iwaizumi moving his arm from under his head and laying on his back Oikawa following laying his head on Iwaizumi's chest.
"Good night iwa-chan" Tooru said lightly yawning.

"Good night" they both fell asleep, staying in their partners embrace.


me: Oh yeah I'm a kiss virgin

Kid that sits next to me in class: "I can change that"

me: "Do you kin, Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Lev, Kuroo, or Matsukawa? yeah no. I thought so 😃"

I fr pulled out a goole doc on all my high kins bye😭😭

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