12- I Belong to You (part 2)

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Chpt. 12
Angst AND fluff 😌

A long, cold week rolled by.

Practice was unbearable due to the lack of communication. Only sliding glances or fake smiles to keep everyone from being suspicious.

Several extra hard pats on the back from the buffer of the two, several irritated sounding "Iwa-Chan" calls, and several leaving the school together but never exchanging words until no one can see them, and split for the day.

No texts.
No "Hi how are you's."
Nothing, except the fake stuff.

Each day Oikawa layed in bed in the middle of the morning, his hands still over his mouth remembering how Iwaizumi's lips felt.

It was foreign land no one except Oikawa has traveled, and he wasn't aware that he'd travel it in the first place.

A blush crept up his face everytime he imagined it, but he didn't notice the heat, or the fuzzy feeling. He noticed how sad he felt without 'Iwa-Chan' there.

He noticed how isolated Iwaizumi made himself so Oikawa could have his space.

What even are these feelings?

The question both boys sat up at 2am thinking.

The same moon and stars showing just like the night from before.

Iwaizumi felt horrible. His mind kept focusing on how shocked Oikawa was that night. 'Maybe he hates me.' Was the only solution in Iwaizumi's mind, but he was dead wrong.

Each day that rolled by Oikawa spent time with Makki and Kindaichi, and Iwaizumi hung out with Kyotani and Mattsukawa.

"Oikawa what's wrong?" Kindaichi asked, he placed his hand on the captains shoulder hoping he could comfort Oikawa somehow.

"Nothing! Don't worry about it, I'm gonna fix this soon." Sighing the Captain led Kindaichi out, closed the locker room and walked down the hallway alone.

Turning the corner he bumped into someone.

"O-oh I'm sorry" a familiar hoarse voice spoke, and left Oikawa shook.

The person turned around and started walking away.

"I-Iwa-Chan wait!" Oikawa yelled. He was crying, this was too much to bare.

How could someone he though he was so close to slip away? He wished iwaizumi was next to him again.

He always hated their fights, just like everyone else who was aware of it.

Iwaizumi hated it too, but there's nothing he could do right? If Oikawa needs his space he'll give it to him, If Oikawa needs time he'll give it to him, if Oikaaa needs anything except Iwaizumi... he'll give it to him.

Iwaizumi turned around to face him. His eyes sparkled but painfully.

Not the beautiful way they sparkled when they kissed, or when iwaizumi made a perfect spike that won them a game, or when Iwaizumi bought Oikawa milk bread and peach tea during the summer and took him anywhere he asked.

He looked so in pain. Oikawa run to Iwaizumi and held him in a tight hug. Pushing out all the oxygen Iwaizumi just breathed in. Hecould escape but he didn't want to.

He missed the brunette too much to even move anything. Tears started forming as Oikawa let out sobs onto his blazer.

Even when they're in an argument the same thing always happens.

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