23 - Jealousy

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Before this chapter starts i'd like to give you guys an NSFW warning‼️ and just so you know this chapter is SO fucking long im sorry 🙏
Other than that enjoy!! <33

"I remember a time, a bit long ago in fact when i was around the age of 11. Me and Iwaizumi would take walks together." I chuckled. This crowd was going to to be tough to get through, but it was worth it.

"Me and Iwa-chan were hip and hip, always and he calls it embarrassing but— I don't know, i like thinking about these memories" I could see Iwa-chan sitting there in the back... with her.

Their hands were intertwined, a ring on both of their fingers, a smile on his handsome face and cate on the side if his face.

She was laughing, smiling, happy to be with him. Not a care in the world to his best friend standing on stage sharing stories of nostalgia. Just him.

They looked happy, ever since high school at least.

I froze on stage, couldn't move an inch after looking back there. Their guests were staring ta me, maybe some caught onto the guilt i felt? but i couldn't stand there and watch this unfold.

One of the technicians helped me off stage, he was tall, handsome like iwaizumi. Just with long hair in a bun and looked kind of like someone from my high school years as well. Didn't matter to me though.

The technician began to ask me questions like am i ok, or if i need the ambulance. He was cute, like a bear. But that still didn't matter. 

My brain just... cut out all his words. I have been in love with my best friend for years now. The best friend who's sitting 50 feet away from me married to a woman who's 2 months pregnant and her family with her everywhere.

I can't give him kids, he's my only family. She's everything im not. She's a woman for starters, a beautiful one i met when j was modeling. It was my fault they met in the first place ha.

She walked me to the lobby, he took once glance and said 20 minutes ago "It was love at first sight." but that's what everyone says at their wedding, right?

He took her hand gave her a spin and her gown flowed, the glitter sparkled and her veil and jewelry twinkled when he put his hands around her waist.

They smiled the 1 millionth time today, laughed kissed and walked off the stage again. A beautiful lot too, i looked around i could still tell the technician was talking to me but i still cut him out.

She picked a farm, she grew up here specifically on the outskirts of Japan. It was nice but there was also hay and dead grass sticking to her dress which dirtied up that $500 dress i helped her pick out.

It was... nice... I can't hate it, one of the sweetest women in my life is now married to my best friend. She deserves him, right?

He's with her because it wasn't mesnt to be between me and him. If it was i wouldve gotten the courage to tell him how i felt but i could never, he's straight anyways marrying one of the most popular female models in Tokyo, how much straighter could he get!?

The pregnancy too, we found out the first week. He was so excited he was boucing off the walls purchasing a crib and bottles and toys. He really wanted to be a dad, i could never give him biological children... She's the better match.

"Sir. Are you ok?" The voice called, i looked at the man next to me again "what's your name?" I asked.

He looked confused, a brow raised and scratched his neck, he's cute, taller than me, built, he's... good.

"Asahi, Azume Asahi" he smiled. "your name?" i looked him up and down with a slight grin. But i couldn't help it, i have said before he's cute.

"Toru Oikawa, nice to meet you beard-kun!" I laughed at his reactions, he blushed, tried to defend himself, even asked if he looked weird. I disagreed saying he looked handsome especially in his tux, he blushed, we talked a bit more.

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