9-Christmas special🎄

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Chapt. 9
The referees whistle rang through the gym signaling the end of the aoba johsai team victors of their match.

The team joined in a group hug before lining up in front of their school benches, shouting a huge thanks to their supporters and families.

The team disbanded from their gym returning to their families or cars.
Iwaizumi and Oikawa traveled together, happily taking each others hand and walking to the parking lot.

"Let's stop at the store Iwa-Chan!" Oikawa said opening the passenger door and entering the vehicle.
Humming in response Iwaizumi drove to their preferred store.

Oikawa becoming his childish self filled theor entire basket with chips, candy, and other junk foods that made Iwaizumi question his lovers health.

"You know sometimes I wonder how you're so fit." Iwaizumi said.

"Well you see Iwa-Chan, I'm just magical. Nothing more nothing less." Oikawa giggled.

"Yeah right. Keep telling yourself that" Iwaizumi retorted, causing Oikawa to pout and make him buy more junk food to make up for "hurting his feelings."

They had fun while Oikawa kept making a fool of himself in front of a group of elder women.

Tripping on his shoe laces, accidentally crushed into Iwaizumi. He was putting on a show.

Iwaizumi couldn't help but laugh so hard. His boyfriend always tried to make older people smile at any cost.

Soon their chaos came to an end at almost being kicked out for the fourth time this week.

The couple couldn't stop crying on their way back to their car, having to gasp for air every 5 seconds.

Iwaizumi opened the door for Oikawa then entered on his side, beginning the engine and driving off.

"I love you Iwa-Chan." Oikawa whispered.

Their street filled and covered with decorations, lights and snow.

Mothers and father's walking their children on the sidewalk reaching their destinations for surprises.

Couples holding hands as they kick snow at each other or kiss under a mistletoe.

Friend groups laughing and pushing each other,. Gawking at the decor or trying to not fall into the street.

"I love you-" "no I'm not finished." Oikawa interrupted Iwaizumi.

Iwa entered their neighborhood, the lights still stretching while yards had pop up decor and snowmen.

"I'll tell you inside ok?" Oikawa giggled and tan out the car, leaving Iwa with the groceries.

He rolled his eyes but got out anyways, grabbing their bags and entering their shared home.

Oikawa sat in the living room watching in anticipation as Iwa put away the groceries.

"I can feel you staring ya know?" Iwaizumi questioned. "Yeah I know, I just... Cant help it."

Iwa grabbed a bag of chips and went to the living room to sit down with "shittykawa"

"So what is-"
"I love you. A lot Iwa-Chan. I know we've been together for a long time but I wanted you to know genuinely how much I love you. I was gonna do this in the gym in front of everyone but I know you like when we're alone for us to be sappy." Dumbfounded Iwaizumi just stayed where he was not moving.

"You've been here to take cadr of me, love me, hold me, and cherish me for these past couple years. I couldn't be happier with anyone except you. Your love and kisses give me all the strength I need to continue moving forward and become better and stronger." Oikawa grabbed Iwaizumi's hand and cupped his cheek, both crying.

"I want you to know how much I love you." Oikawa whispered.
He pulled out a small box, the exterior a fluffy swade material colored gold. He opened it pulled out a ring. Princess cut and diamond.

Iwaizumi's hands were shaking as he pulled Oikawa into him. Sobbing. "You dumbass *sniff* I wanted to propose." He cried.

Oikawa laughed and put the ring on Iwaizumi, reaching in slowly for a kiss.

Iwaizumi grapped his collar and pulled him into him, bringing them both down onto the couch.

They couldn't have been any happier. Both engagged and kissing on Christmas Eve.

"I love-" "No I love you Iwa-Chan!" Oikawa winked.

Iwaizumi slapped him while laughing "STOP INTERUPTTING ME!"

"Owchie Iwa-Chan! Now go make me.hot cocoa to make it feel better!" Oikawa giggled.

Iwaizumi entered the kitchen smiling while making his fiance his drink.

Feeling warm arms wrap around his waist and several kisses places on his nape, shoulder,and neck.

Iwaizumi bit his lip to suppress moans from escaping his mouth.

"I love you Iwa-Chan."
Oikawa said in between kisses.

"I love you too Shittykawa."
Oikawa pouted pulling Iwaizumi's arm up for the both to see.

His hand held a beautiful ring they both smiled at. Oikawa returning to kissing Iwaizumi pulled his back.closer passionately giving the other affection.

This honestly didn't feel like a original Christmas book thing but I wanted to insert at least on marriage chapter! I hope you guys had an awesome Christmas!

What'd you get this year?

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