21- Questioning

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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH BABWEES!!🫂 I present to you questioning Iwaizumi and cute little soft boy Oikawa for this chapter. ik ik im literally the best.❤️

Anyways Happy pride! Stay safe, if you're going to parade(s) wear a mask, drink water, eat something and get lots of rest! If not then you're so cool go play genshin aweeee OK BYE BAHAHA

"please Oikawa on a scale of one to ten!" makki begged. I sat in between then as his arm dangled in front of my face at lunch.

"meh i give him a 3" oikawa waved maki's phone away. He huffed and pulled his phone away scrolling through instagram trying to find more buff guys in his following.

They've been more open about their sexuality recently, sitting at lunch with then was a struggle too.

Whenever i'd sit down or even lean over to eat my food i get squeals. Last week Oikawa brought tofu for lunch and let me try it.

While i was biting it Maki whispered "oh to be that tofu" who says that?I'm not a cannibal!


They've been hanging out with more girls, twirling their hair, making jokes like "I can't drive i'm gay!" to the police officers when the crashed our car into a light pole.

I was studying in class during lunch like usual, I heard the other three walk into the room laughing.

"Iwa-chan!" Toru ran up and hugged my from behind. "Be careful-" "-Hajime we have a very important question to ask" Mattsun inhaled.

He held his hands together in front of his face, "what's with the first name?" my brow raised. I dropped my pencil and payed attention to them, though they'll probably ask me dumb questions.

"Nono we have TWO questions to ask" Makki smirked, oikawa sat down next to me lying his head on my shoulder.

His face looked pink, is that why they're asking me questions? did something happen? were freshman's messing with him?

Maki turned to Oikawa and nodded. "Well ask him!"

"Ask me what?" I looked at them confused, because i was! Nothin important is going on so what do they have to ask me about.

"Do you want what today is?" Oikawa fiddled with his sleeve, today?

Is it- Nono our friend-anniversary is his birthday. It's not Hanamaki or Mattsukawa's birthday. Yet.

And it's no one in his families, most of them are in December not June. "No i don't what's today?" I responded.

Oikawa gazed towards Mattsun before looking at me again "It's pride month" he whispered.

"it's what?-" "Hajime Iwaizumi are you that uncultured!?" Maki shouted. "What do you mean?!"

"Pride month is basically a month to celebrate the lgbtqia man! I'm dumber than you and even i know that" Mattsun laughed.

"I-I knew that" I stood up and grabbed my bag and books "And don't follow me!" I yelled from behind, I could hear them snickering at least nothings wrong.

no pov bc i need to get used to it

After school I saw them standing by the gate like usual. "Ahhh i love second years" Maki sniffed, he was looking at his phone like always.

"Yahaba supremacy!" Mattsun and Oikawa yelled. "Why are you yelling?" Oikawa laughed, "Yahaba came out during practice shouldn't you be a bit more happy for him?"

"What when?!" Hajime asked. There was a bit of silence between the group before Oikawa held his stomach as he leaned over laughing. "What's so funny?"

"Iwaizumi you didn't get the whole "Meats my favorite to eat" joke?" Mattsun clicked his tongue. Iwaizumi's face went red, he thought it was normal. Meats the best-

"I-" "-Don't worry Iwa-chan we'll teach you the gay basics" oikawa wiped his tears but kept laughing, he was crying at this point.

"Speaking of which, Iwaizumi what's your sexuality?" maki blurted out. Everyone stopped in their trace, even iwaizumi.

"Uhm" He started, Mattsun leaned against the brick wall surrounded their campus. Oikawa just looked at Maki shocked.

Iwaizumi was never aware there were more sexualities, though he's talked about feeling different. He never knew about them because his parents never told him.

It wasn't an expectation to be straight, he figured they assumed he would just know but he didn't. Not until Maki and Oikawa came out.

That's when he started doing research, he found so many different kinds and each one had different people.

It's strange, he only thought of it through their perspective, that the sexualities are what their capable of identifying as but not him.

Why does he feel so different? he's the only one in his friend group who doesn't know.

He's liked guys, Oikawa in fact is a small crush of his. He's liked girls, barely due to how different he feels around them. He's met non-binary people that have caught his attention. He just doesn't know.

"I don't know" hajime looked at the ground, maki perked up and furrowed his brows hugging his friend.

"Hey you don't need to know now, we're still young!" Maki patted his back. Mattsun laughed tucking his friends in his big arms. "Yeah we're toddlers man don't worry"

Maki dug his elbow into Mattsuns rib cage which caused him to loose his breath. "damn it maki" maki let go and ran away for mattsun.

Iwaizumi laughed at the sight. "Questioning" Oikawa looked at their friends as well.

The sun was setting and maki ran towards it his whole body glowing orange from the light. They could hear their friends shouting from a distance.

Iwaizumi turned to Oikawa, he was a beautiful sight really. He's gentle, loving, passionate. Iwaizumi didn't feel different around him in any way.

Oikawa was quiet when it came to their group, though he's loud on the court and practically anywhere else he's soft and quiet when it's just the four of them.

It's nice how he can change demeanors in an instant. As the sun set hajimes feelings made his heart beat faster.

The pretty boy, the fun group of dumb friends, good grades, good reputation. It all felt like a fairytale.

"you're questioning?" oikawa still whispered. he didn't look at iwaizumi but he still looked so pretty.

"i- i think so" hajime sighed looking back to the sun. Oikawa took his hand into his and ran forward pulling his best friend with him.

"Let's talk about it at home ok?" Oikawa smiled. "Yeah ok" Iwaizumi smiled, a small cheek kiss happened to be placed on him as they kept running.

1,035 words

AHHHHHH i'm sososososoossoosososo sorry for not FRICKIN UPDATING THIS BOOK anyways a few cool little announcements 3 weeks of writing break for me and i'll be back to writing! I'm working on some cute Tsukiyams and Bokuaka stories but also if you guys want other fandoms or more of this pleasepleaseplease dm me your ideas i'd love to hear them! ❤️ anyways that's all for today thank you so much mwah ily guys happy pride month!!!

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