24 - Wanted

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Requested by: peach333333
also inspired by Wanted by One Republic!

Sometimes I wonder if my memory is made up of false visions, at least that's what i hoped. The things that cause me to toss and turn at night is just a figment, but that'd be worse huh?

My brain feels scattered when I think of my past. I have reoccurring dreams about her. My mom. I haven't seen her in so long, the coldness of her skin was the last i touched her. A bad memory, a permanent memory, it'll always be there no matter what.

When I was around 9? maybe 10 my mother took me to all my volleyball games after my father left mom for his hidden mistress.

The games were just kids playing, their parents and family watching and pets and animals running around. It was normal.

After the game me and mom were walking on the sidewalk, i was throwing the ball up and down just catching and throwing.

We smiled and laughed. The ball kept bouncing the cars kept going by. We kept walking.

The was a deep voice in the distance, near an alley from behind. "HEY!" The guy grabbed mom and pulled her away in the alley. "Iwaizumi go get help!" she cried.

There was a smug look on the mans face that terrified me, "Move and she's dead boy" he laughed.

"Hajime...please..run" Tears. Tears fell so fast and my legs took me away, i ran out yelling, screaming, crying, begging people for help. I couldn't breathe and just a couple sprints away from her i hear it... Bang.

"Iwaizumi! Hellooo?" A soft voice called my name, a familiar one. I smiled opening my eyes, the smell of pancakes and more foods made my stomach grumble but my eyes caught the glimpse of beautiful ones.

My fiancé's eyes, a beautiful light brown that was shining from the sunlight beaming through our window.

He smiled at me from my chest "Wake up sleepyhead!" "I'm up, I'm up" I pet him, he wore one of my beige sweaters and some shorts.

"How come you look so pretty in anything" I grumble pulling him into my lap. He let out a cute laugh. "So do you mister" i received a forehead kiss and he escaped my grasp.

"Come on lets eat breakfast!" He ran out the room.

Oikawa was an elegant person, or tried to be. He's clumsy, clingy and childish but they're my favorite things about him. His smile cna pierce millions of hearts but he chooses to give me that smile.

His laugh, a beautiful one that not even a cool breeze of wind could falter. He makes me feel wanted.

I looked out the window, pushing myself out of bed. Our plants were survivors, especially with how bad Oikawa is at gardening.

I looked out the window to the beautiful city we lived in. I smiled, we found nice paying jobs, a big apartment with a beautiful view and each other what more could i ask for?

"Iwaizumi!" He called me again "Yes?" "Please i'm starving!" he yelled from downstairs. "I'm coming let me get dressed!" I heard him laugh and walk off.

I changed my clothes into a sweater and shorts too, we'll be staying inside today. We have annual "Cuddle days" every week on our day off we cuddle and stay inside, sometimes ordering take out and watching a movie.

It was his idea if you couldn't tell.

I heard a song begin playing from the speaker downstairs, i laughed when i say him coming into the room dancing.

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