16- Something more

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Inspired by lovesad-Kid's song "Something more." because he's amazing <3

Iwaizum's Pov!

I closed my laptop softly letting out a sigh of relief. My head hurt and my body was sore from all these exams.

Running one hand through my hair I stood up out of my desk and walked out my classroom.

College is getting harder and harder by the day. I can barely have time to myself.

I walked into the bathroom and washed my face, I looked in the mirror. My world was full of dull color.

My skin was grayish, and my hair was a dark grey with weird texture. My eyes were shiny but were a light grey.

The black and white world says it's normal. My vision will stay black and white until I meet my soulmate.

I'm not really in a rush to meet them, I barely even believe I have one. Most of the time personality leaves a lot of people in shock.

People criticize my looks as if I could control it, they say my demeanor looks mean and unwelcoming, when it's really just me focused on something else.

I've never been in a relationship nor see myself in one in my future. That's the best part about it, I don't want to see color.

I'm ok with missing out. Even if it's not my destiny.

I washed my face again, taking a deep breath in, looking into the mirror I smiled.

"Scary." I thought.

I left the bathroom sighing and drying my hands, my head was still pounding but the breathing helped.

I returned to my classroom and began packing up. I slid my computer into my backpack along with my notebooks, pens and highlighters.

I grabbed my car keys and lifted the bag into my shoulders leaving the classroom after submitting my assignments.

I exited my classroom once more, passing by other students with out making eye contact. My head just focused on the floor boards underneath me as I navigate myself outside.

I made it into the car and dropped my back in the back. My head still hurt so I tried a different breathing exercise.

Entering the vehicle I dropped my bag behind me softly, letting out a sigh and closing my eyes. I placed my hands on the steering wheel trying to relieve my stress.

"1...2....3.....4." My grip became tighter and I tried not moving. Just sitting there. In my car. Trying to feel better.

I opened my eyes, put my keys in the ignition, turned the gadget and buckled up. Hoping that maybe food could help.

I exited the parking lot turning on the radio taking more deep breaths, I turned down the car windows and felt the breeze as I drove down the road.

The air hit my face as I sang along to slow sappy songs playing locally on the radio.

Driving on the highway that led to my college out of the city. Tapping my hand against my car door to the beat and letting out hums of satisfaction when I make turns.

I felt at peace being like this. Feeling the breeze and wind, by myself, and listening to music that I can't understand the meaning behind but still love the lyrics.

I drove until I made it to the Plaza in town. The shops and apartments held modern looks, except the vintage cafés and retro arcades.

I passed by the gelato store on the corner and a wedding tailor shop. Continuing down there was an open field of flowers and trees that the seasonal picking is held.

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