3- Whats our future gonna be?

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Oikawa was in pain. He was troubled right now to say the least.

He just got into a fight with his mother about college, tears were involved and he didn't want to be in that house anymore.

His family was always focused on work and school, there were even times they stopped talking for months because of it. He had gotten back from school after a practice math with another school in the region.

Thinking back to how he found his mother sitting on the stairs awaiting his return. "How was school hun?" she said, her voice was raspy but not really soothing.

It gave Oikawa chills. "It was fine, what are doing on stairs?" he said, "Your father and i want to talk to you."

She led him into the living room walking away from the males and getting them tea. They sat waiting in silence until she came back setting down the tray.

Oikawa's mother was wearing a black work skirt, stopping just above the knees and her shirt a bottom up with a black laced cardigan.

His father wearing house clothes because he works on the weekends.

They say down soon filling to room with conversation concerning his future. Then Iwaizumi came up.

"Listen" Oikawas mother began "We know you two love each other but you need to forget about that and go to college, I don't think he's the best for you and is stopping you from your studies" she said removing her hand from her sons lap.

"No, I'm not leaving Iwa-chan just because you guys want me to, he- he makes me happy and I-".

"Oikawa, think about what your saying" his mother said becoming more irritated. "You're a high school student soon to graduate and you're going to focus on a relationship instead of college!?"

"No i-" she cut him off again.

"I cant believe your so naive and foolish to think someone would be willing to give that up for you."

What does she- Oh... Oikawa thought she thinks i'm not a good lover, she thinks i'm not worthy of someone like Iwa-chan, she thinks that i'm useless and arrogant and i'm going to hurt him. She thinks i would do that to the person i love-

"OIKAWA" his mother snapped "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME!?" Oikawa got up with tears staining his cheeks and walked to their front door.

Grabbing his coat, shoes, keys and his phone as he walked out the house without saying anything else to his parents.

He walked and walked and walked, not knowing where he was going just letting his feet take him somewhere, anywhere, he didn't care as long as it wasn't there.

Oikawa reaches a stop, he was in front of the Matsukawa residents. Huh!? Why am i here? He knocked on the door Issei appearing with a smirk.

"Hello hello" he said in a British voice "What brings you here?" he asks.

"I need some advice." Oikawa said as they walk into Issei's room.

Oikawa tells matsukawa what happened with his parents, and he listened to what he had to say. "You should talk to Iwazumi of course" the taller boy rolled his eyes.

Why is he telling me this like it's obvious!? Oikawa thought "I think your parents want to make sure you're financially stable so you guys can be in love, that's what parents do, they come off in the wrong ways but they can mean good at the same time. Iwaizumi wants to become a coach, and you wanna continue volleyball. They probably except you but want you to be ok without worrying about bills and stuff." He said.

'oh. that's what he meant' "NOW GO TO YOUR BOYFRIEND MINE IS COMING OVER SOON SHOO SHOO" Mattsun pushed the brown haired boy down the stairs and out onto the porch closing the front door in Oikawas face.

Sighing he accepted defeat and walked over to his boyfriends house, but he was getting nervous.

For once win his life he wasn't just winging something, or a conversation, but he didn't have anything planned out either.

He started getting more anxious as he got closer.

What am i gonna say!? How's he gonna react!? Oh god is this how people feel when they propose?? we've never even had sex before and i'm already talking about our future!? what's it gonna be like!?

Oikawa bumping into their front door and fell on the porch gave up and sprawled across it on his back.

His heart rate was over the roof, and his face supper red from hyperventilating. Iwaizumi opened the door seeing his goofy boyfriend laying down his head stabled by the stairs.

"What are doing" Iwaizumi said giggling "Ah Iwa-chan!" Oikawa got up walking to his beloved, Iwaizumi placing a small kiss on his lips and held his hand leading him inside.

They went into the kitchen, Oikawa jumping into the counter to sit while Iwaizumi made then both a cup of cran-mango juice. {superior juice might i say} they moved to the living room turning on a movie as it got darker outside.

"Hey, Iwa-chan?" Iwaizumi humming in return to acknowledge his boyfriend, "What are we going to do about college? My parents want us to break up, but i think we could make through it! and i also wanna work with you in the future of course."

"I'm not sure, We're still gonna pursue volleyball but- I'm not sure which college i'm gonna go to."  Iwaizumi said.

Oikawa snuggling closer to his boyfriend on the couch "It's alright, we can figure it out together, you know i'll always support you" Oikawa places a kiss on Iwaisumis lips and they held each other, but not bothered by Oikawas mom repeatedly calling his phone.

There were so many typos in this chapter holy mother of Cracker Barrel.

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