18- Dance with me? Pt. 2

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to all my beautiful trans/enby readers out there It's the middle of the night, take your binder off, drink some water, relax and go to bed *kisses you* take of yourself 🥺💕

also let's be binder buddies!! i have one with a dinosaur embroidered on the back :33 it makes me so happy hehe <33


Bokuto and Kuroo hit the snack bar first, Akaashi and Kenma going ito the corner near the tables so no one thought they came with the two.

Tsukki and Yam's walked onto the dance floor, Tsukki twirlled Yam's and pulled him in holding him close. "You look amazing's" were passed between the two with a couple "No you's" and laughs.

"Remember when we were like that Daichi?" Suga asked, his boyfriend didn't notice until suga gave him a punch to the rib cage and sauntered off hoping his boyfriend would follow, thinking "We used to be like that now you're old and dead."

Iwaizumi and Oikawa walked inside holding each other's hands, they had smiles plastered on their faces as Iwaizumi took oikawa to the side holding him gently whispering sweet nothings into his ears.

"You look so beautiful tonight Tooru." Iwaizumi whispered. Oikawa leaned onto his boyfriends shoulder letting out a sigh and a light thank you hiding his blush.

"Senpais?" A boy behind them spoke. Iwaizumi turned his head around smiling at Kyotani who showed up looking elegant for the occasion.

"Hello Kyo" Iwaizumi smiled at his kouhai and wrapped an arm around Oikawa's waist.

Oikawa smiled at his underclassmen and pulled Kentarō into a hug.

Kyotani let it happens as to he wasn't in the mood to argue. After hugging Kyo looked around the gym.

The neon lights and disco ball spun without stopping, all the boys and girls were mostly dressed in black but they all looked amazing.

He spotted Akaashi and Bokuto around the voting ballets.

"Agaasheee" Bokuto whined. Akaashi looked at Bokuto out of the corner of his eye not giving him a response.

He let out a hum after Bokuto placed his head on the boys shoulder pouting. "Yes Kou?" Akaashi continued scribbling onto the paper still not looking at his boyfriend."

"Which is my left and which is my right?" Bokuto cried. "I-" Akaashi stood in shock, then turned around leaving Bokuto near the ballets.

Iwaizumi whispered the plan in Oikawa's ear without Kyotani realizing it.

As time flew by couples were already doing the slow dance before the crowned pair were done being sorted and pulled.

Kyo watched Yahaba as the boy laughed with his classmates for a while with the fake smile nobody except Kyo knew about.

Kyotani took this as his chase to go talk to the boy and maybe try to figure something out.

As he moved across the floor, scorching pass couples eventually the music stopped and the announcer walked onto the stage.

They held an envelope with a vibrant red heart on the front and a red charm on the side.

"Alright everyone!" she began speaking. Kyotani was standing almost in the middle of the dance floor trying to reach his unrequited crush.

He stopped and paid attention, Yahaba would definitely kill him if he didn't.

The girl went through all the nominees and gave them thanks and flower bouquets. Soon the Rolyal Pair (we lgbtq here 🙄) are going to be revealed.

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