22- Take a seat Part 1

647 10 15

-The writing is more traditional so I'm sorry if it seems different I'm just practicing <33

"Hajime Iwaizumi head to the principal's office after class," Iwaizumi raised his head along with his brow.
What did I do? the reaction he got was a turn from the teacher and small snickers from his classmates. He was tired after spending over 10 hours studying and doing homework from the past week he missed.

That's where the confusion started, after class he grabbed his bag heading to the front of the small room as he was told. The brown walls intimidated him, not changing patterns or design.
"Mr. Takeda?" his voice came out small and made his confusion quite clear. "Ah Iwaizumi how can I help you?" the history teacher gestured to the seat next to his desk. Of course, it was empty, but Iwaizumi settled standing instead.

"Do you need something?" Mr. Takeda was a submissive teacher, constantly trying to be liked. Though it can be embarrassing to see your homeroom teacher on the floor begging at the door of the teacher's lounge, homeroom was still the second favorite to Iwaizumi.

He sat down adjusting his tie and crossed his leg, "Why do I need to go?" Iwaizumi asked, his teacher smiled.
"You'll hear when you get there" Iwaizumi rendered it was just some after-school gig he probably wouldn't get paid for. Besides he doesn't have talent, what would his teacher even want him to do?

"Why me?" his brow raised. "Just go Mr. Iwaizumi', it's nothing bad I can promise that" Iwaizumi dragged a hand over his face sighing. Grabbing his leather bag and exiting the room.

Iwaizumi's feet carried him through the halls, he felt like he weighed a bit more than before. The halls seemed tinier too, occasional shoulder bumping and less length he ended at the office earlier than he hoped.

"Ah, there you are!" A perky voice gave out. fuck fuck fuck fuck. He was hoping the history teacher would be wrong, but alas he wasn't. Another student stood waving to Iwaizumi smiling. Oikawa. The principal held a neutral face which made Iwaizumi even more confused.

"Mr. Iwaizumi," The principal's voice was deep, he didn't hear him speak often the monotone ending gave Hajime chills, and just the speaking of the man-made Oikawa stop waving. Iwaizumi nodded settling in the leather seat next to his chemistry classmate, tense might I add.
His head was spinning, why was he even here? All the kids in his grade were lower in levels, he was in their speech and debate club and helped the student council.

"I have a favor to ask of you Mr. Iwaizumi," Oikawa nodded along, probably using all his self-control to not interrupt the man before them.

Oikawa was different from Iwaizumi, practically the entire opposite. He was younger, a lot thinner like those suit models you'd find in magazines. Oikawa was a pretty boy, maybe more, beautiful perhaps. He was taller than Iwaizumi by a bit, his jeans seemed tighter and his button-up shirt was looser, the top two buttons were loosened showing a part of his collarbone- that part Iwaizumi shouldn't have been studying.

"Do you agree to those terms?" The principal coughed. Iwaizumi noticed and spun his head, Oikawa was peering at him too as he recognized he didn't hear a word and was just gazing at the boy next to him.

"Ah, yeah I do," iwaizumi shrugged.
"Perfect Oikawa you will meet you in the library at 6:00 tomorrow" the principal added before Iwaizumi nodded grabbing his bag yet again and leaving.
This is one of the worst decisions he's gone through with. The first being spending $50 at a cafe that gave him and his friends poisoning in Tokyo when he visited.

It was stupid really, he spent 2 years staying out of crowds, ignoring people, focusing on studies and technology for a while. It's not that too neat himself up over of course. If the kid needed help he's ok with it... if they weren't as attractive as Toru.

Iwaizumi entered the lock combination turning his lock left, right then left again. "Hey Iwaizumi!" Iwaizumi shuffled some books, the perky voice again.

The boy ran up t his locker leaning against it, awkwardly. "Are you ok?" He's not Iwaizumi's friend why would he ask that, and why is he being so nosy. Then again Iwaizumi was caught staring earlier, by oikawa so maybe it's just a habit.
"Yes I'm fine why do you ask," Oikawa flinched at his voice or response, "Oh I'm just sorry for the inconvenience," he smiled rubbing the back of his neck but didn't move, or leave as Hajime hoped he would.

Oikawa was just a distraction.

He agreed Oikawa was handsome, charming maybe. His jeans made his figure look polished... Do people still say that? Iwaizumi on the other hand. Out of touch. Unreachable, not social, and liked by 0.1 percent of their school. The 0.1 being Mr. Takeda and the cafeteria ladies.

Hajime flipped his chemistry book to the side, looking at the spine Chemistry 2: Thermo basics it was a book he didn't need but still interested him, unlike this conversation.
     Oikawa wanted to gain Iwaizumi's attention, by saying "oh chemistry's my favorite subject" or a little sentence in hopes Iwaizumi would at least speak to him. But it wouldn't work.

Oikawa shifted pointing to his friends behind him waving. Iwaizumi nodded, letting Oikawa go off though he's the one who came over in the first place. The acquaintance? next to him ran off his pushing a sticky note to his chest and ran away, towards his friends.

He thought about calling out to Oikawa, he didn't know why but his mind kept their conversation going. Spilling out little secrets about himself that he barely paid attention to but knew. Weird in a way, nobody interested Iwaizumi, that's probably the reason he didn't want to...

He paused in the middle of the school halls.

What did he have to do again?

962 words!
I have like 5 unfinished drafts here and i'm sorry it's another part piece my plot is just wayyy too long and my fingers hurt from all the grammar and spelling corrections BAKSJSKS

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