10-Next time

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Chpt. 10
No pov:

Makki and Iwaizumi were sitting in their schools music room, listening to some music through the headphones connected to Makki's phone, the music drifted through their ears sending them into a trance and daydreaming.

Makki began humming to the tune that was on repeat, Iwa soon followed and they both began singing.

Putting their everything into it they harmonized they were so into it they didn't notice their friend Oikawa standing in the doorway, he was smiling ear to ear as he listened to their harmony.

He stepped inside the music room and crouched in front of the boys snapping them out of their trance.

They were shocked but laughed it off, the music room contained different instruments, but Oikawa specifically walked over to the piano.

He knew the tune they were singing, it was a piece he wrote about their friendship, containing catchy lyrics and a beautiful melody that would sound lovey coming from any musical instrument.

He sat down on the old but elegant seat in front of the piano. He opened to cover, stretching he soon began playing the melody, humming, his fingers glided over the keys gracefully.

the vocalists surrounded him. His eyes were closed soon the boys followed and they all fell into the music.

They began singing their love for music flowed through the room, the halls and throughout the empty school.

They stayed after school normally to sing together, tt was the best time to do it.

They all sang together and soon the song ended.

Oikswa's eyes lifted smoothly landing on Iwaizumi's, as the other boy admired his face.

His long eyelashes, his beautiful soft eyes, that one strand of hair that always fell on his forehead, no matter how many times Oikawa stuffed it away.

Makki noticed the two love birds and caught the hint. Shuffling out the room, and the others barely acknowledging it.

Oikawa stood and stretched, and slowly walked up to Iwaizumi.

"You sounded amazing!" Oikawa complimented him. Iwa felt his face begin to burn and looked away embarrassed.

"Y-yeah thanks." He responded. Oikawa softly held Iwaizumi's face in his hands as he made iwa look at him.

"Sing with me again tomorrow ok?" Oikswa's eyes were slowly closing as he pulled iwas face in.

Feeling so loved, the couple melted into the perfect kiss.


How was it!?

Also hey, how was your day, and remember to drink water and eat!!

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