8- Quarantine Bliss

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Chpt. 7

This is my favorite chapter after chpt.2
Iwaizumi's pov

Oikawa was sitting in the passenger seat of my car. Grabbing his phone that was connected to the aux cord he began sticking his head out the window singing love songs.

The wind hit his hair making It fly out everywhere, it looked super dangerous bit he looked beautiful at the same time.

"310 we're on the go! Our life just like roller coast, I sip slow you took too long, my heart and soul I call your phone I'm on the road."

I kept my eyes on the road, I could visualize what was happening. Why? because he absolutely sucked at singing.

"I wanna feel your body on me! Tall palm trees and kalodascope dreams, I'm at home thinkin about you and me. Cause girl I got that Cabin Fever."

It was cute though, I made it to a stop light, looking over his head was still out.
"You made me a believer"

The sunset on his face making his chocolate brown eyes look graceful.

"Eatin marshmellow pies I can see it in your eyes, girl you're speaking and I wanna believe ya."

The car lights from beside, infront and behind us made his skin look so pretty in the light.

"Girl I really wanna believe ya, if you love me how come I never see ya."

The chapstick he was wearing looked beautiful, his lips were a full pink.

"Eating marshmallow pies while we're flying through the sky girl I got that Cabin Fever."

I began driving again to our original destination. Its in the forrest, we made it our secret place for dates.

I parked the car and took out the picnic set, Oikawa still singing along terribly. He was jumping around, crushing the fall leaves, and kicking branches on the ground.

I stopped walking and began laughing. "Babe seriously? what did they ever do to to you??"
He tilted his head in confusion but kept singing, playing the song on repeat.

Instead of helping me he just skipped around waiting for me to set up the fairy lights, blankets, tent, and fire. Which would have been done faster if he helped.

When I finished he paused his music and sat down with me. Our hands touching, and a blush raising to my face. I still get flustered when we touch.

He looked up at the moon and stars and began laughing about his dumb alien theories, but I could listen for years about it. His voice was raspy from singing and shouting words so much, his body flinched when he moved from kicking and jumping.

He looked really vulnerable but adorable as well. We made eye contact for a couple seconds before I climbed over him and gently placed his lips on mine.

He hummed and began kissing me back, wrapping his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist.

He began biting my lip as we began to become more needy and heated, tugging on my hair frequently as we began frenching.

Authors note: that sounds so weird "frenching~" I just did that bc I don't wanna be like "omg out tongues danced against each other" sjwiabakans

His chapstick began wearing off the more we kissed, tugging on his thighs and kissing his neck. He let out a small moan as I bit his ear.

I grabbed his face and slammed our lips against each other before climbing off him and laying down.

He looked at me in surprise his face saying "Wait what? Why aren't we going all the way?" I mentally laughed at his stamina,

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I know you're in pain right now. Sex isn't the only thing we can use to de-stress." I smiled at him.

"Ya know Iwa-chan, you give me cabin fever." He pondered.

"Really now?" I laughed.

"Yeah, Im always thinking about you, even though this pandemic thing is hard you still make time for me like normal." He snuggled his head into my neck softly kissing it and smelling my hoodie he stole.

"I don't sleep at night because I'm thinking about you, I hope it gets better in the summer. So we can go on vaca alone." I responded.

He looked up at me softly grabbed my hands as we tangled our legs together, my body felt so comfortable in that moment, as I looked up at the fairy lights.

We took each other's hand and I kissed his palms. "you know you look scary doing that." I give him special treatment sometimes... He giggled "it's a cute scary though, one of the things I love about you."

We made eye contact before we softly kissed, still laying on our side this time he claimed on top of me.

Bending down keeping our lips in place. My hands ran under my hoodie and his shirt making him shiver in delight.

His body forms into mine no matter what, it was like we were made for each other.

After awhile we began panting for air we pulled apart sitting up with him on my lap. "You do weird things to me Toru." I whispered in his ear.

His face turned red as he kissed me again. We got more and more heated, leading into a night of quarantine bliss for the both of us.

Y'all I'm cringe jsbßwnsnsbsjsja I'm sorry I'm more of a fluff person then an angst or smut person. But I hope you liked it!!

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