4- Safe Haven

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I woke up with the moonlight shining softly, nighttime is my favorite time.

It's soothing, all the lights are out, all the little stars come out guiding the one who need them into a safe haven.

But i woke up alone, carving attention and love.

Seeking for someone that was in my house to be near me, to hold me, to kiss me. But he wasn't there.

I wonder why. I got up and looked around careful not wake up the owners of the house.

He wasn't in the kitchen, or the living room, or the dining room. he wasn't in his bedroom either so where could he have gone? outside?

I opened the backyard door not seeing him outside. "Iwa-chan what are you doing up?" he said softy in my ear i jumped a bit, but kept my composure so he couldn't tell.

It was dark and Oikawa was finally in sight. i sighed and pulled him into a hug.

"Don't scare me like that." I continued, "I woke up and you were out of bed, i was looking for you everywhere. Why are you up?"

Oikawa giggles a bit into my chest as we parted a bit as he looked into my eyes "I was just getting air don't worry so much, you're gonna get wrinkles from it and then you won't get good results from our spa days!" he pouted a bit.

"Don't wanna waste my money you know?" I rolled my eyes but smiled.

This is Oikawa, the man that i love, the man i want to be with forever. But we also have school tomorrow and he's keeping me up.

I kissed him softly then led us back to his bedroom, we crawled into bed him before me.

I snuggled into him placing a small kiss on his neck as he giggled saying "Iwa-chan that tickles!" we calmed down after giggling and kissing and cuddled closely,

"Goodnight Iwa-chan~" the love of my life said.

"Goodnight Oikawa." I kissed him one last time before returning to snuggling his neck. we fell asleep both waking up for school tired but happy.


"Iwa-chan wanna spend the night again tonight?" Oikawa said holding hands as we walked through the gates leading us to the lockers. "Sure Crappykawa" i said placing one last kiss on his forehead before walking into class. Leaving behind a blushing Oikawa Today's gonna be a good day I thought.


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