11-I Belong to You (part 1)

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Chpt. 11

I haven't updated in almost a month Whaaaa
Also thanks for 2.25k readers <33

It was a dark friday night, the terrain cover in raindrops that have yet to evaporate.

The night had a huge breeze cover it and large clouds that over looked the city.

Buildings let out beautiful specks of light and added a romantic atmosphere for a couple.

Two men Oikawa and Iwaizumi walked hand in hand down the abandoned streets.

Running, jumping, and kicking the air in happiness.

The two teenagers were goofing off, the shopping districts lights were turned off.

Nothing except tall buildings from the city have light to the area.

Iwaizumi looked into Oikawas eyes mesmerized by his best friend.

Oikawas attention was caught by the clouds above as he whispered to his best friend, not making eye contact.

"Iwa-chan?" Oikawas revived a slight hum. Still watching the clouds Oikawa continued.

"Do you think aliens can sneak into earth through the clouds?" He chuckled this caught Iwaizumi's attention.

He didn't know wether to laugh with or laugh at Oikawa. "That's a stupid question, but solar panels exist so they wouldn't go unnoticed." Iwaizumi's response made Oikawa giggle softly and let out a sigh.

"I hope aliens don't take you away from me." Oikawa finally looked into Iwaizumi's eyes.

Everything stopped.

They didn't notice the world around them at all, there was nothing better to look at.

Iwaizumi's greyish eyes and Oikawa's beautiful brown ones.

Both their breaths were taken away before Oikawa broke eye contact still smiling. "Stop looking.. he can't know."

Looking at the clouds again "Let's go." He whispered. Grabbing Iwaizumi's hand he begins to walk but Iwaizumi won't budge.

"Why do you do that?" The voice behind him asked.

"Do what Iwa-chan?"

"Why won't you look at me?"

There was silence.

Oikawa's heart was pounding excessively. "Because if I do.."

Oikawa's thoughts were interrupted again. Iwaizumi's hand crept up his arm, pass his biceps, and onto his shoulders.

His body facing Iwaizumi but he refused to look at his face, his eyes.

Iwaizumi's breathing hitched and he began crying. "Oikawa please.. did I do something? Did I hurt you? Tell me why you won't look at me but I'm always looking at you."

"You look at me?"

"All the time." Iwaizumi said. There was hint of regret or hesitance.

"What's there to look at Iwa-chan." Oikawa laughed as tears began to well up.


"Like what?"

Now Iwaizumi's hands held Oikawa's cheeks. Wiping tears off the more they rolled down the boys face.

"Your eyes, your cheeks, your lips, everything."

"My lips?" Oikawa blushed.


"Why would you-" Oikawa's words were interrupted by a kiss.

Time didn't freeze but it felt like it. Even the cold breeze stopped just for that moment.

Iwaizumi pulled away, afraid, scared, he didn't know how to feel.

Why was his best friend, his crush, his practical love interest doing these things.

He couldn't take it, Oikawa was doing this at lunch, practice, and gym.

When Iwaizumi dropped his pencil last week during their test he quietly asked Oikawa in his ear for one, but he was ignored.

His heart hurt, maybe if he just let out his feelings now he could fix the problem.

He was afraid of what Oikawa would think of him, but as soon as their lips connected he knew he'd try his best to get Oikawa back.

No matter the circumstance.

Oikawa's eyes were shot open, he was surprised.

This entire time he had tried to distance himself, not because he didn't wanna be friends with Iwaizumi.

He fell for the boy hard.

Not even the girls that wanted his attention made a difference.

But after Oikawa saw Iwaizumi and a girl talking after school, smiling, looking like they're in love.

He couldn't help but want to run away, and stay far away from Iwaizumi as possible.

Or until his feeling were gone. Which let's be honest would never be gone.

Oikawa's hands landed on his lips, trying to remember what happened.

The scene replayed over and over in his mind.

Iwa-chan kissed me.

"Oikawa please-"

"Don't you have a girlfriend!?" Oikawa yelled and pushed Iwaizumi back slightly.


"That girl you left practice with last week! Why would you kiss me when you-"

"Oikawa If I had a girlfriend you'd know."

"But you guys were holding hands, and laughing and you-"

"First wow you're a creep and second of all we weren't holding hands, I was carrying my notebooks."

"I'm a creep!? Iwaizumi you just kissed me out of no where a minute ago!" Oikawa yelled.

"Oikawa there's reason why I don't have a girlfriend and why I kissed you..." Iwaizumi whispered the last bit.

His mind coming up with questions, "did he not want to kiss me? Is right now the best time to confess? Im messing everything up."

The breeze his harder, leaves blowing in front of their faces.

"Oh? And what would be that reason Iwa-chan?" Oikawa scoffed and crossed his arms.

"I like you... Oikawa." Iwaizumi whispered. Oikawa was definitely mad at him, but he can't lie to Oikawa.

"You what?" The breeze began slowing diwn a bit.

"I LIKE YOU." Iwaizumi yelled.
His face looking down as more tears fell from his eyes.

There was more silence.

The sound that swallowed the boys hole, not even remembering why one was crying and the other was irritated.

Soon Iwaizumi stopped crying, his tears left trails and his eyes were still watery, but his tears stopped.

He wanted to stop the need not even taking a glance at Oikawa he began to walk away.

On that cold, dark night.



How'd you like the chapter? It's a bit angsty but I promise I'll make the second chapter fluff again.

Go the FUCK to bed and drink water love ya <33

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