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(A/N: it's been a while i'm sorry😭)


just about everyone on planet earth knows how messed up i've been since she left. grayson especially. he KNOWS how much alex meant to me. MEANS to me.

everytime i would try to look for her he would say he came up dry or didn't find anything. but that son of a bitch has known all along.

that's why he was fine and never flinched when alex left. because for him she technically never did.


"i cant keep lying to ethan, lex. once he find out he's gonna be royally pissed." i said setting down my drink.

"i know, i know. but like i said he needs to find healing on his own before i even think of showing my face near him again." she said.

"you're scared?" i asked sort of figuring it out out loud.

"scared? why would i be scared?" she asked.

"because you've been through so much in your lifetime and every person you loved has hurt you or turned their back on you....so you're afraid. afraid to love and to be loved. that's why you weren't so hesitant when you and i started being friends again..

because you didn't really love me, but you loved him." i said putting all the pieces together.

she showed a puzzled but sorrowful look on her face.

"love. not loved. love." she said quietly.

"it's okay to be scared. love is scary. but you can't just run away. you know that ethan would never do something to hurt you. ever." i explained trying to convince her to just come home.

"i...i just can't gray. h-he's better off without me." she said denying my truthful words.

"he really isn't alex. he's miserable. he's happy when he's with you. don't deny yourself love and happiness too." i said.

"he's gonna be so angry. because i've been in contact with you for a while." she said looking up at me with a hint of fear.

"we'll deal with it. come home alex." i softly said looking into her eyes to make sure she knew i was being serious.

"i will. soon. just not today. i need to do some thinking. you're right but what you said about being scared...i didn't even know that about myself. but you're right." she lifts out of her chair and i take that as my cue to get up as well.

"are we still on for next weekend?" i asked.

"yeah of course. how about some place closer to home." she suggested making a smile crack onto my face.

"sounds good lex." we hug and go our seperate ways.


as soon as i stepped into my apartment door, i made a straight B line for my bed.

my favorite thinking place.

graysons right. i am scared. my father hated me, my foster parents hated me, athena hates me, max he...well i actually have no clue. but regardless i guess i am actually scared of putting trust and love into ethan. because everyone so far has chosen to leave or decided that i'm unlovable.

i guess i have to just take that leap of faith.

A/N: filler but important filler i'm gonna update right after this

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