Chapter Twenty-four

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Next day:

The wedding day

It was here. What everyone were waiting for. The most exciting day arrived. Something Bughead lovers (*winks at you*) waited for a really long time. Occasion which reunited family after so many years of seperation.

Wedding of the Alpha King Jughead and his mate Betty.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I'm back, so please prepare tissues and something to drink. It's time to celebrate!


Jughead was putting his tie on in front of a mirror.

He then redo it realizing it's not perfect just like six times before. When even on seven try it didn't work he heard a small giggle from the door. He turn around.

„Something funny?“ he asked.

„Yeah“ Anna was wheezing.

„I know funny. It's hillarious“ he said with irony.

„Let me do it, Beanie“ she said, done with her laughing. She approach him and finally done the tie right.

„FINALLY“ Jughead yelled but his face was met with Anna's hand „Auch“

„Shut up. If you knew how to do it properly I wouldn't have to do it“ she scold him teasingly.

„Sure“ he rolled his eyes earning a glare from her „Allow me to say that you look splendid today“

„You think so?“ she said and spinned slowly around „I thought that maybe it's too simple“

„No not at all, it looks perfect on you“ he smiled.

„Thank you“ she smiled back „,How are you feeling?“

„What do you mean?“

„Are you nervous?“

„Oh that... No, no I'm not“

„Are you sure?“

„Yeah“ he said pushing his hair back „Why should I be?“

„It's your wedding, you're gonna promise loyalty and love to Betty for the rest of your life. You know, it's a big moment for humans“

„Yeah but it's not that big of a deal for me. Betty and I would end up together no matter what“

„Even if you didn't acted like an ass“

„Still angry about that?“ teased Jughead.

„Always“ Anna replied.

They both laugh.


Let's skip to the good part, shall we?

Betty and Jughead stood before the great and awesome Pops in front of everyone.

„Dear Betty, with this ring I'm promising you that my heart, my soul and my entirity is yours from this day to the day my heart would beat for the last time. I'm promising to defend your honor, to protect you. To fight for you and with you against anything that will be thrown in front of us. I promise that everything I'll do from this moment will be for you and only you. I will kill for you and with you. I will be in pain with you and for you. And even if it means that I have to die for you I would do anything to please you.“ he says while he puts a ring on her finger.

Now it was Betty's turn.

„Dear Jughead, with this ring I promise to be true for you. I promise to trust and believe. To dream and see from your eyes everytime we argue. I promise to be there when you need me and to help you heal when you're hurt. But most importanly I promise to stay by your side till the end of my existence.“ she then puts a ring on his finger.

„By the power invested in me by the father, son and holy spirit and the moon godness I pronauce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.“ as Pops finishes his speech Jughead kisses Betty while the audience cheers.

It looks like it's over, isn't it? Well it's not there's one more thing to be done. The destiny decided that this story isn't gonna end by wedding. It's gonna end differntly.

Hey guys,
sorry that I didn't update earlier but as some of you already know my grandfather passsed away so yeah 2021 already sucks.

Have a nice day ☺️


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