Chapter five

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While Anna and Betty were talking Toni without Anna's knowing made sure that it would be easy for them to get away. She sended the guards to her office so she could talk to them about the new safety protocol. While Anna was telling Betty about the pictures in the album.

A: „So this is my first time in a pool“ she said pointing to the picture with a five year old girl in a pool.

B: „You look so cute!!!“ she said smiling. She would probably started to find a way out but then Anna said.

A: „Listen to me, Betty. If you wanna get out you gonna do as I said, ok?“ Betty nodded. „Okay, now we are gonna go to the apple trees over there and then there's gonna be a hole in the wall, you gonna go through it and wait for me. I will get you and we will go away from here“

B: „How can I trust you?“ she asked scared that it could be a trap.

A: „You can go with me or stay here, it's your choice“

B: „Okay, I will go“

A: „Great, now follow me“ she said and together went towards the trees talking about nonsense so they won't be suspicious.

When they got there Betty went through the hole and waited for Anna. She came with a car and Betty got in there. Together they drove away.


After hours of driving Anna stoped, waking Betty up.

B: „Anna, where are we?“ she asked

A: „Somewhere where we need to get something so we can continue“

B: „Okay“

Together they got out of the car and went towards a little hut in the middle of the forest. Anna first tried to open the door but they were locked. Then she whispered something and they opened.

B: „How did you did that!“ she asked

A: „Magic, darling“ she winked

Then they went inside, when they got in a door closed behind them and they heard a voice of an older man.

?: „How did you get in you human trash“ the voice said making Betty afraid.

A: „Nice to see you“

Then suddently a light appeared in the room and on the armchair in front of them was sitting a man in his fifties.

H: „Looks like someone finally decided to visit their old man“ he said with a smile and got out of the armchair.

A: „I came here for something else that a reunion, Henry“ she said reffering to her father by his name.

H: „Ah come on! Don't say you didn't miss me my sweet little Teddy bear!!

A: „Whatever! As I said I came here for something else“

H: „And what does my Teddy need that she goes to her father then her rich royal uncle?“ he said in a mocking voice. When he said the word uncle and became sad. „What? Is everything alright sweetie?“

A: „They didn't told you? Uncle FP died two years ago...“ she said making Henry's face froze.

H: „FP..... Is dead?“ he said his voice shaking as he sat back on his armchair. Anna nodded. „And what do you need?“

A: „Keys to a place to hide from Jughead“

H: „Why? What happend? Did he did something to you or Jellie?“

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