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Anna's P.O.V.

I failed

I'm disgrace

I'm the reason Henry killed himself

I killed the love of my life

I dissapointed my mother

my brother

my cousin

my uncle

my little sister

my friends

my best friend, my everything, my....


That could never happen!

But there is always a way to make it right

And I know the way to do so....

No ones P.O.V.

While Anna was working on her dark scheme in the tallest tower her friends with Toni in the lead tried to get in. Anna expecting this move charmed the door with silver and wolfsbaine.

„Try to get in now pups!“ Anna smirked and got to her cauldron in front of her stoned fiancee.

She then looked at her stomach and said „Don't worry little one, I'm not gonna let them hurt you, I'll make sure of that...“


„Anna please let us in!“

„It's gonna be fine! We are not angry at you!“

„We can fix it together!“

„Just let us in please!“

Those were the only words that could be heard from the door but Anna ignored them. She ignored then until she heard her voice.

„I don't care what you did or what are you gonna do, I will always love you!“

Anna's mental walls started to break but was it enough? Was it enough to stop her? Was the person that belonged the voice enough to stop her? Was Anna strong enough?

„No no no no no no no you can't stop now! There's so much to do! You have to stop him! He hurt so many people! Only you can stop it! Please don't give up on yourself!“ those words were echoing in her head and she couldn't ignore them. She had to do it.....



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She dressed and put the poison on her arrows. The poison that she was working on for the last hour.

She took her spell book with her. The spell book originaly belonged to her father. He wrote there every single spell that he knew. Ideal for her plan.

She looked at her bow in her hand and memories became to flood in her head.


„Are you ready sweetie?“ FP asked holding the bow with her in the hands aiming at the red and white target about 20 away from them. Anna was 8 years old.

„Yes papi!“ she answered, she loved calling him 'papi' since he was the closest father figure she had.

The realised the arrow and it hit the target right in the middle.

„You are natural talent!“ FP exclamed.


„Yes! Good job!“ he said and spinned her around.


Tears started to fall from Anna's eyes. Everything was so simple back then. She was so innocent and naive as well but FP was right, she was a talent. Talent for shooting from bow and crosbow, but she liked bow more. FP hand maded the bow she was holding.

He thought her everything her father would thought her. Shooting from bow, sword fighting and throwing knifes. He was there when she need him but now she had to do it alone. She was alone and that was breaking her.


Jughead immediately took Betty to the bathroom and started the water in the bathtub. He stripped Betty out of her clothes while trying to control himself and put her in the bathtub.

After she felt cold water on her skin she immediately started to fell better. She sight at the moment felling relifed. Jughead's heart was breaking at the sight of her being in pain. He knew that the only way to take the pain away was when he would mark her. But he knew that she wouldn't want that. He want the time when he would mark her be special.

„When did you start to care about what she wants? She is our mate we can do to her whatever we want“ his wolf Victor said.

„Shut up! You don't understand anything! She is our mate, she is our equal! We are suppose to love her and cherisish her!“ Jughead responded.

His cold heart was melting. He wannet to be better person, better king, better mate, better everything! For her, for Betty! She was suppose to be his queen, his love, his life and how he treated her? Like a thing! It's true werewolfs are possessive, Alphas and king even more! But he should control himself! What he did was unneaceptable! He had to do better! He WILL do better.

He hold her hand and started to say.

„My dearest Betty, where to even begin? Maybe it would be best to start with 'I'm sorry' but that wouldn't be enough. It will never be enough. I will never be enough. What I did is unforgiveble! I shouldn't force you to do anything! I should be grateful that I was blessed with you as my mate! I should be thanking the Moon Godness every single day for you but I did the worst thing that a mate could do! Maybe werewolfs are possessive but there's always a line and I crossed it! I don't deserve your love, kindness, forgivness or even your presence! But I want you to give me another chance! Chance to make everything right! But I will understand if you don't want to give me one. I just want you to know that I love you and I'll will always love you. My heart will always have a place for you and if you could give me a chance I can prove you that I am worthy of your love. But the choice is yours my love. It was always yours“ he submitted his head to her hand.

(A/n- Holy Hamilton! What did I just wrote?!?)

„I-i would love to give you the chance“

Hey lads,
So this chapter is probably the best thing I ever wrote! You could took a look at Anna's mental state. Her memories and Jugheads confession. Hope you had fun and good luck at school.

Lots of love (but mostly for Abi😍)


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