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„I-i would love to give you the chance" Betty said her pain slowly going away due to the Moon Godness having mercy on the young couple.

Jughead got on his knees still holding her hand „And I promise you that you won't regret your choise!" he kissed her hand.

????? P.O.V.

I just got home from visiting my friend in Germany and I just can't wait to finally see my mom and sister again!

I got our house but something was wrong. Like really wrong.

The front doors were broken and inside was unclean something my mom would never do.

„Mom? Sis? Hello? I'm home!" I yelled through the house but I got no response, this is getting weirder and weirder „Hey jokers! Put the jokes aside! This isn't funny!" but again no response.

Then I got to the kitchen and saw the most terrifaing thing I could think of.

My mother sitting by the kitchen counter with her wrist slit and a note beside her.

I screamed.

Then I got to the note and read it. The note was for me.

Dear Bella,

You're maybe wondering why I did what I did and where is your sister? I'm sorry that I have to say this but your sister was kidnapped by werewolfs by the orders of the Alpha king. And I could take this anymore. I wasted your and yours sisters life on keeping you two from the supernatural world. Please fufill my last wish that I have before my soul leaves for eternal rest:

Safe your sister

Lots of love Mom xox

When I read that my heart dropped. My little sister was kidnapped! And not by any human but a werewolfs! A fecking werewolfs!

I immediately knew what to do.

I will save my sister.

I will save Betty.

(A/n- Yeah I killed Alice, get over it!)


After Anna was done with her work she put the charm away and immediately after she did Abigail runned through it and pushed her to a hug.

„Oh Anna! I was so scared! I thought that you're gonna hurt yourself! But thanks to the devil himself you're alright!“ she said but the she realized that something is wrong.

Anna didn't hugged her back or talk to her. She just stand there while Abigail hold her. Her face without any emotions or expresion. A bow in her hand.

„Anna?“ Abigail asked


„Don't be scared everything will be fine“ Abigail put her hand on her face.

„I'm not, it's the king that should be afraid“ after those words Abigail stepped away from Anna.

„What? Anna, violence isn't the answer!“

„You are absolutly right! It isn't an answer, it's a question and the answer is yes!“ Anna argued back.

„Anna! Isn't it obvious? You are under stress and the stress makes you delusian!“

„Excuse you?!“

„What? No! That's not what I meant!“ she then tried to get closer to Anna but she pushed her away.

„Stay away from me! What type of friend says that?!“


„THEN SCREW YOU AND YOUR HONESTY!“ after that there was a moment of silence before Anna continued „Abigail don't you think that he'd doned enough? He hurt so many people,

( Anna, Rose, Abigail, Rose+Anna, ansamble) sing like a finale of nonstop from hamilton

🎶Look around, isn't this enough?🎶

🎶When he's dead I'll be satisfied🎶

🎶What would be enough?🎶

🎶When he's dead I'll be satisfied 🎶

🎶When he's dead we'll be satisfied, satisfied, satisfied 🎶

🎶Why can't you stop, 'cuz this isn't right? Why can't you stop 'cuz this isn't right? Why can't you stop 'cuz this isn't right? Soon your additude will be our doom!🎶

🎶 Why you try to fight even through you can't win? Why do you fight like-






And with that Anna dissapiered And no one saw her for the next week.

Hi lads! Anna here!
Hope you liked my version of NON-STOP from Hamilton 😂 I had so much fun writing my own lyrics and if you would like I will make more in future chapters 😁

Also as you could notice there's a new character, this girl is inspired by one and only BellasSecretFic, Bella please remember that no matter how me and Abi are there's always a place for you in our hearts ❤️
-lots of love Anna 😍

Werewolf marriage- BugheadWhere stories live. Discover now