Chapter four

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Jughead was once again in his office working, he was really happy because he finally meet his mate. He already started to plan their future. Their gonna get married, have pups and....

*Knock knock*

...his thoughts were interupted by knocking on the door.

J- „Come in!“ He said.

Anna came throught the door.

A: „ Hey Beanie“ she said using his childhood nickname.

J: „What do you want Teddie?“ he said with smile using her childhood nickname.

She was kinda shooked that he remembered that and that he's smiling but she continue with her play.

A: „I was thinking, that maybe I can go visit my father and....“ she said shooking him, she didn't spoke with her father since the death of her mother 12years ago. She didn't even spoke about him.

J: „Your father? Why?“ he asked „You didn't talk about him for years“ He said, he recently noticed that her scent was different but he blame it on stress, maybe it was because of her father he though.

A: „I thought about it for a while now. He is my father and I think he deserve to see me after all this time“

J: „But he lives behind the borders, remember? He was banished by my father“

A: „I know but I really wanna see him, please???“ she asked

J: *sight* „Fine, how long you gonna be gone?“

A: „A few weeks or months“

J: „ Really, that long?“ he asked worried about her safety. Her father was wizard or how are they called in their Coven God. Even through his powers dissapiered when he was banished, he was still dangerous.

A: „Yes and before I'll go I wanna go on a walk in the garden with Elizabeth“ she asked knowing she is on thin ice.

J: „Elizabeth?!!?!! Why would you do that??!?!!!“ he asked scared that she could escape. He couldn't even thing about not seeing her and he saw her only once!

A: „I would like to get to know her, you know? We didn't start really well“ she said trying to look innocent.

J: „Well, if she's gonna come back safely, there shouldn't be problem with that“ he said. He knew there was no way to escape via garden. There was a wall around it.

A: „Thanks for understanding, Beanie“ she said and kissed him on cheek.

J: „Your welcome“

A: „Bye, don't expect me on diner“

J: „Okay, bye. Enjoy it!“ he said smilling at her not knowing what is her plan.

After Anna closed the door her heart started to slowly break. She didn't wanna do it but she got no choice. Her wolf had to remind her:

You're doing what's right, don't worry about it“

Still tears were running from her eyes. She went to her room and started to pack. She had to pack not only for herself but also for Betty. She packed a box which she didn't saw or touch for so many years.

The plan has begun..


In the kitchen Toni was making one of the hardest decision in her life:

Should she tell Jughead that Anna is planning something or should be quiet?

She knew that if she tell it, Anna is gonna be executed but if she doesn't gonna tell and he gonna find out that she knew about it SHE is gonna be executed.

Her thoughts were interupted by her mate Cheryl.

Ch: „TT, what are you thinking about?“ she asked putting her hand on her shoulder.

T: „It's complicated“ she sight

Ch: „Try it, you know I'm here for you“

T: *sight* „I don't know if I should tell him about it“

Ch: „You mean the whole Anna "thing"?“ she asked, Toni nodded.

Ch: „Ah TT, I'm sorry that you had to go through this“ she said rubbing her back.

T: „I just don't know what to do, I care about Annie she is my best friend but my choice can lead to her or my death“ she said sobbing

Ch: „Toni, I think you should listen to your heart. That's the only way to solve this“ she said hoping that would help her mate.

T: *stands up* „Yes, you are right *turns to her and kiss her* I love you“

Ch: „I love you too“ she smiled


Betty was reading through the book she founded in the closet. It was an album full of pictures. Betty noticed that there were a lot of pictures of two girls and a boy. All of them were wearing beanies and had a smile on their faces. Last picture had a text that said:

„Happy birthday to Teddy and Beanie from Jellie“

On the picture were once again the trio but the two older ones were in front of a birthday cake and the younger one was handing them a box in a wrapping paper. They were all laughting.

Betty recognised the older girl as the leader of the group that got her here and the one that bringed her food. And the boy as her self called "mate". All of them looked very happy.

*Knock knock*

Betty jumped a bit and when the door opened she saw the same girl as on the pictures.

She saw Anna.

When Anna noticed that Betty is looking at the album she smiled.

A: „Looks like someone founded my secret spot for my photo album“ she smiled, Betty returning it. „You can take it with you on the walk“ she said and Betty started to smile out of happiness.

B: „Walk? I can go on walk?“ she said happy hoping to finally get from this room.

A: „Yes, but you have to come with me“ she said and Betty nodded „Come on! What are you waiting for!! Let's go!!!

Betty took the album and went with Anna to the garden. Anna happy because she was doing the right thing while Toni was watching them through the window thinking the same....

To be continue.....

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