Chapter- Twenty-one

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A month later...

Day before wedding:

Everyone were all over the place. The staff, guards, guests and the friends preparing for the big day.

Chefs were cooking nonstop numbers of dishes. Maids were making sure that not even drop of a dust were on the floors. Gardeners were watering dozens kinds of flowers. Tulips, lilies, roses, sunflowers and many many more.

Mirrors were shining more than ever before. You could see youself throught the floor in the ballroom. The grass was perfectly green.

Everything looked perfect.

The friends were preparing their outfits for the next day. Making sure that there are no wrinkles or torn fabric. Boys looked at their suits, girls at their dresses. They were from velvet, silk and were soft to the touch.

The friends meet up for the dinner to disscuss the big day. Everything was in place as plan. Well expect from one guest that didn't arrived just yet.


She was expected to arrive in the evening or in the morning next day.

As for guests even Henry arrived, he got an excuse from to coven for two days.

During the dinner he and Jughead were catching up on what they have missed. Henry compliment him on his ruling abilities and how much he looks like his father. He even told him how much would he be proud of him. Jughead was happy to hear that.

Then it was time to go to bed. Girls went to the west wing and boys to the east one.

Girls went to Jellybean's room and then they started to gossip like a high school teenage girls.

„So Betty“ Veronica said with a margarita in her hand „Are you nervous?“ she sipt some of her drink

„Well yeah“ Betty answered „It's a big step in our relationship“ she added

„That's true“ Abigail stepped in the conversation „But it's ussualy a dream day of every girl“

„It can be, but that doesn't mean it's always that way“

„Wait, what do you mean?“ Toni asked

„It's just that mine and Jughead relationship didn't started normal and now that everything goes well it's kinda, uh I don't know how to call it“ she said and looked throught the window




„Yeah excacly! Weird! It's nothing I would expect from it!“

„Well you must admit that this isn't a normal life“ Jellybean said

„Well it's normal for you“

„Yeah but were borned to in, you were dragged from your life to ours“

„That's true, but still after all this time I can't find a reason in my life to regret it“

„That sometimes happend“ Bella said „Something happends in your life and first it looks bad but after sometime you realize that it was the best thing in your life“

Then a moment of akward silence came across the friends until a voice broke it.

„Wow I though ya all gonna a bigger fun but looks like I was wrong“ the sass and familierity of the voice turned the girls head around and there she was in all her glory


„You didn't see that coming, did ya?“

Hey guys,

Sorry that I wasn't active and that this chapter was short. I know that there isn't any good excuse for it and you all deserve my biggest apology. I'm just tired.
Anyway hopefully I update soon.

See ya ☺️

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