Chapter Twenty-three

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„🎵I should tell you I'm dying 🎵"

He frooze when he heard the words. Dying? She? Why? He had so many guestions. He wasn't even able to make clear sentence.

„W-hat do you- how long- why?" he stuttered a tear fell from his eye.

„Sit down" she patted on the sofa „I'll explain everything, just stay calm"

„S-s-stay c-calm? How am I suppose to s-stay c-calm?" he sat down next to her

„Just breathe, okay? In and out, in and out" she repeated „See? Better?"

„Still shocked but yeah"

„That's good, I expected this reaction so I'm not suprised"

„You're suprisingly calm for a person that should be dying"

„Sassy much?"

„No I don't fell like that today"

„You'll be fine"

„And you?"

„I don't matter, I never did"

„That's bullshit and you know it"

She chuckled.

„Jughead, death isn't an end, it's a begining of a new chapter, something we can never escape"

„I hate you and your philosophy" he said „We should have never let you study"

They both smiled and stayed quiet for minute before Jughead spoke.

„Can you now explain to me what's going on, like why are you dying?"

„Well, where should I begin?"

„From the begining preferably"

„Okay sure, as you know I'm half witch half werewolf that's fine but there's something I didn't knew" she stopped and took a deep breath „Vojta wasn't a human, he was a vampire"

Jughead jumped up from his seat

„What?! A vampire I though they were eliminated by our grandfather!"

„Sit down Jug I didn't finished"

He sat down and continue to listen.

„Because of all the different creatures that are combinated in my son he needs more strenght to survive, so he is unknowingly taking my life away "

„That's horrible"

„It's a life"

„But it's unfair!"

„Life isn't fair, we both should now it better than others"


Flashback: (TW: Suicide)

„Henry? Henry? Where are you? Come on this isn't funny!" Jughead yelled looking for his cousin.

He wasn't the only who was looking for him after the young boy didn't come for breakfast and wasn't found in his bedroom or the castle the king organized a search party and a ten years old Jughead and Anna vollunteer to help.

„Henry! Please Henry come on!" Anna yelled

„Come on son, we're all worried about you. I'm not gonna be angry at you" FP said hoping to find his nephew soon hopefully uninjured.

They went throught the deepeast of forests and jungles looking for the young boy, the only place that left to check was the great mountain at the edge of the forest. FP send the kids home knowing that it was too dangerous for the young ones.

After what he saw he was greatfull he did so.

Twelve year old Henry was laying on the ground in his own blood with a note in his hand.

‚Oh my lord no Henry...' FP put hand over his mouthWhy did you jump?'

He opened the note and read

My dearest family,

If you are reading this then it meants that I'm gone and I'm laying in the arms of my mother. I'm sorry that you have to see my body and that I didn't got a chance to say goodbye. But the pain I feel cannot be stop. It's not a normal pain, it's a pain from my heart. It all began when my mom passed away and it grow bigger seeing that my heart is unable to feel any sort of comfort from love and being loved. I believe from a bottom of my heart that you loved me but I couldn't feel it. The only thing I could feel was coldness from myself, the pain of emptyness and feeling numb. So I would love to say that I love every single one of you but I don't know what it feels like. I don't know if I ever even wanted to know it. There's no way to redeem my empty life, I know. But I can just believe that there's a chance in the afterlife where I can finally be set free.

So goodbye my family, I'm gonna miss you, and to you Anna never give up. If you up you end up like me. Death inside and outside.


FP heart break by every word he read, Henry, boy he saw as his own son was in a pain and he didn't even notice. He could only pray that his death was fast without any pain. He could feel a salty tear falling down his cheek.

He took the body back home and failed to avoid the kids who started to cry. He just lowered his head and continue to go further. He end up next to his sister grave and he put the body in the prepared coffin. He kissed his forehand and closed it. After he was burried FP stand in front of their grave and fell on his knees.

„I'm so sorry Natalia I didn't protected your son, but I promise that it will never happend again, I will make sure that Anna will be safe"

He then left not knowing that he was heard by two kids.


„Some people die naturaly, some don't it's a cirle of life"

„But that doesn't mean it's right"

„But who are we to judge?"

„I believe that there's is a way to save your life"

„There surly is but I don't want it"

„I... I don't know what to say"

„Then don't" she smiled „Leave it as it is. Life is too short to overthink everything and everyone"

„When did you become so wise?"

„How should I know? Maybe it was always there I just didn't use it"

„You're full of mysteries aren't you Teddie?"

„Who knows Beannie?" they both smirked and went to the boys who just finished the first act of Hamilton.

Hey I'm not that person but merry Christmas and happy new year!

And have a nice day ☺️

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