Chapter one

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Betty is in her room reading when her mother Alice busted through the door.

B: Oh my god! What's going on?

A: Betty!! There are werewolfs outside the house saying that there are here for you!!

B: Werewolfs?
She said not believing a word.

A: Yes!!!

Then they heard a loud banging on the door. They went downstairs and Alice opened the door so that only she is visible for them.

T: Mrs Cooper, I understand this is weird but we have to insist on your daughter to come with us.

A: And what is so urgent that you just came here without any invitaition and tell me that you gonna take away from me my only daughter?!??!!
Alice said almost screaming but the wolfs stayed calm.

T: Our king wants her.

A: So king wants her but do you know what? I don't give a fuck about your "king"!!! Go away!!!
She said more angry than before and slammed the door in Toni face.

F: And what are we gonna do now?
Fangs said turning with Toni towards Anna and Sweetpea.

An: What do you mean „What are we gonna do?!!”. It's just a piece of wood!! Break it!!
She ordered and Sweetpea nodded. He and Fangs went towards the door and on a single try they break it. Much to the Coopers women suprise.

Alice stand in front of her daughter as the wolfs came through the doorway. First came Sweetpea and Fangs, then Toni and lastly Anna.

The first three surrounded the mother and daughter while Anna spoke.

An: Mrs Cooper, we understand that you don't want to let your daughter to go with is but we have our orders, so please don't make it harder for us than it already is.
She said with a voice that could calm everyone but Alice was determited to not let them take Betty away from her.

A: No!!! I won't allow that!!! You are crazy!!!
Her words outraged Sweetpea.

S: Hey! She is gonna go with us while you are alive or dead, it doesn't matter to me!!!!
He screamed coming closer to her.

An: Sweetpea!!! Shut the fuck up!! We can deal with it in a civil way, can't we?
She said and looked towards Alice.

B: I don't wanna go!
Betty said coming from behind her mothers back. Fangs took the chance and took her arm while Toni took the other one. Sweetpea in a meanwhile took Alice.

An: Seriously?
Anna said and face palmed herself.

S: What? You way is taking too long!
He said while Alice was strugling to get away from him.

An: Ahhh!!! Whatever, but if anything goes to hell it's your fault!!
She said and left towards the car.

Toni and Fangs with Betty went to the car while Alice was screaming to let her daughter go.

They put Betty in the middle of a back seat and Fangs and Toni sat on her side. Sweetpea then left Alice alone and runned towards the car while Anna sat on the passenger seat. He sat behind the wheel and started the engine.

After five minutes Anna said.

A: You are the worst!!!

S: What do you mean?

A: Great! Now your playing dumb!!

S: Fangs started it!!! But i have to admit that your plan sucked!!!

T: Sweets if i were you i would shut up!

F: Yeah, me too, dude. You can't win this fight!

S: You are all against me!!! You guys did it too!!!

T: And what were we meant to do!!!!

A: SHUT UP!!!!
Anna screamed scaring everyone in the car. The car was quiet for a moment until Betty spoke.

B: Please let me, my mom needs me!
She said almost crying.

A: We can't.
She said suprisingly calmly.

B: What are you gonna do with me?

A: We? Nothing. As Toni said the king wants you.

B: A king?

A: Alpha king.

B: Alpha? What does that means?

Anna then chuckle a bit and said.

A: Your mother said we are werewolfs.

B: Werewolfs don't exist!
She said not understanding how she would know what her mother said to her.

Them the whole car started to laugh.

B: What are you laughting at?

S: Your naivity!!!
Sweetpea said bursting in to more laugh. That gained him a slap from Anna.

A: Shut up and drive!
She said hoping that would silent him.

After another moment of silent during which Betty tried to assure herself that werewolfs aren't real and that they are joking the car stopped.

F: What is it?

A: Guard, wait is that Archie and Veronica?

Ar: What's up guys? What are you doing?
He said looking throw the car window.

A: Mission for the king.

V: Is he still a massive pain in the ass?
Veronica said making the whole car laugh except for Anna and Betty.

A: Watch you mouth!!!! Remember who are you talking about!!!
She said scolding her friend.

V: Sorry.
She said and then turned her attention towards Betty.
V: And who are you?

Betty didn't answer, she was so scared. Anna then whispered to Veronica and Archie.

A: That's Jugheads mate, but she has no idea what's going on. She is a human.

V: Ohh! Well anyway! You can go guys, see ya!!

A: See ya!!
She wawed at them and the car started again. Now finally heading towards the pack house. Anna proud of completing her mission but part of her wasn't sure if what she did was right.

To be continue.....

Warning: In the beginning Jughead is gonna be an asshole and you are not gonna like him but don't worry there will be some character development.

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