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Jughead P.O.V.

When I heard that Anna dissapiered my heart broke. She is my sister and she wannet to kill me? I know I did so many bad things since I became king but I will change! Maybe if Anna would hear that maybe she will come back home! Without her here it's such a sad atmosphere. The only light in this darkness is my dear Betty. She is trying so hard to make me feel better and I on the other hand am trying to make her comfortable.

We spend some time together in garden from time to time. She likes it there and I like whatever she does. She is so special to me.

This one time we were sitting on a bench when suddently my loyal guard Trevor Wagner came to ne with words that they cought some girl in my office.

I immediately went to the room with Betty by mine side but what happend then was unexpected!



„Holy shit!“ the girl Bella said and runned towards Betty but was stopped by Trevor.

„It's fine, that's my sister“ Betty said but when Trevor grabbed Bellas hand his eyes went black and I pushed Betty behind me.

„Trevor!“ I yelled „Call yourself down and let the poor girl go!“

Usually Trevor would already let her go but this was different. He was looking at the girl without blinking and he was completly ignoring me.

„Leave me alone you filthly dog!“ Bella screamed at him and tried to get his hand of her but that only ended with him putting his hands around her waist.

„Mine“ he growled

„Oh shit“ I said

„She's his mate“ Betty said.

‚No shit Sherlock‘ would be something that Anna would say.... Wait why I'm thinking about her? Do I really miss her that much? I was put away from my thoughts by Bella.

„What? What does that mean!“ Bella asked

Betty then slowly approached them. I was trying to control myself. Victor didn't helped much.

„If he touches her, I will ripp his head of and burn his remains!“

„Calm your ass! He won't hurt her!“

He didn't respond after that.

„Bella are you alright?“ Betty asked about five meters away from them.

„I'm sorry do I look like I'm alright? I got home to find my mother dead, my sister gone and the front door tearen apart!“

She clearly has her priorities sorted

„What do you mean mom is dead?“

„I came back from visiting my friend in Germany and when I come home, the doors I handmaded are toaren apart! My sister vanished like Spiderman in Infinity War and my mothers wrist is more opened that any book I have ever read!“

‚What a tea!' again my mind imagined what Anna would say. It's really weird.

„No.... It can't be“ Betty fell on her knees with her head in her hands, crying.

I runned towards her and Bella kicked Trevor in between his legs and did the same.

Auch! I can feel the pain in your crochwill that voice ever stop?

Trevor growled in pain. To be honest I felt the pain too.

Betty was in my arms crying and Bella was holding her arm.

„B, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to tell you that way!“ Bella said

I kissed her head and Bella looked at me weirdly.

„Excuse my English but who the fuck are you?“

‚Excuse my English as well but I would love to ask you the fucking same thing' Can you please shut up!

„I'm Jughead, her mate“

„Wait! Aren't you the one that kidnapped her?!“ she yelled and Betty looked up

„Bella calm down-“


„Yes, I know but he's trying to do the things right! He's changed!“ it warmed my heart when I saw her defending me

After a lot of yelling which I happily block out of my mind the sister decided to try to trust me and I decided to invite her to a unnual ball.

I wish I'd never even oranized that thing....

To be continue...

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