Chapter Twenty-five

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After the great and glorious celebrations of the marriage between the newly weds it was time for Jughead and Betty to leave on their honeymoon all across their kingdom. Leaving their friends in the castle.

Everyone were waving while the car with the royals was getting smaller with the distance.

„I hope they'll enjoy it“ Bella said.

„Yeah, me too“ Abigail smiled.

Everyone went back inside and Henry looked back at the castle with sad smile.

„It was good to be back but it's time to go“ he said to himself.

„You sure you can't stay a little longer?“ he turned around to see the person whose voice belong to.

„I wish I could sweetheart, but I can't“ he said and caressed her cheek. He noticed that a bit of tears apeared in her eyes „Anna, don't cry. It will be fine“

„I know I'm just gonna miss you“ she said and put the tears away with her hand.

„That's normal but remember you'll be better without me“

„If you say so“ she looked down on her feet.

„Take care“ he said and kissed her forehead before he added „both of you“

„We will“

And with that he was gone.

It was the last time Henry saw his daughter alive.


„Are you okay?“

Anna turned her head around. She was currently slowly swinging on a swinging bench while caressing her belly. She turned to a voice she longed to hear for a while, a voice that always made her feel better. To the voice of Abigail.

„What do you think?“ she asked.

„I wish I could say good but we both know that's a lie“ Anna moved a bit and Abigail sat down next to her „The question is are you sad because of your dad or something else“

„Well since I found that my earthly career is ending I've been thinking about my life and the mistakes I made and the things that lead to them“

„So you became a philosopher?“ Abigail joked.

„Yeah and do you know what I realized? That out of all the mistakes I did leaving you behind when I fleed the castle was the worst thing I ever done“


„Yeah when I done that I realized that I have never been in more pain than before“

„I didn't knew I had such an effect on you. I thought that when you found Vojta that every feelings we had in school dissappeared“

„Me too“ she said now crying.

This was the biggest secret that was between the two of them. When they were in school they had feelings for eachother. When they confronted eachother about it they realized that no one would accept a relationship between the two of them and knowing that their mates are in the world looking for them made them promise that once they found their mates, they will forget everything about their relationship.

That happend when Anna found her mate or at least she thought she did. The cold truth that she realized was that witches and vampires don't have mates and that everything was just a play from both of them to get approvel from the society.

„Now I just wish that I could go back in time to the moment when I let you go and called your name back when you were leaving“

„I wish the same“ Abigail looked in to her eyes the beautiful dark brown eyes she could swim in.

Take me back
From Black friday by Starkid

PS: For the sake of god ignore the weird Santa thing and the high elves

Anna Roberts,
You look just the same as I always remember,
All those friday night
Under the lights
Under the bleaches together.

You and I we're meant to be something more that faded memory.
Till you and I something divedid us.

If the universe is infinite,
Then it's defined .
There's an alternate reality where we're now a family.

Take me back in time to love you
Take me back when we were lost.
Lost in love and lost in feeling without the cost.

Take me back to high school.
Take me back when things were right.
Light my heart and light my shadow to make it alright.
Cuz I already lost it once what I already won.

Anna looked at her seeing the fire in Abigails eyes that she lost the day she left. The burning passion she missed and longed for. But something was different like the time they spend apart gave her wrinkled. Wrinkles on her soul and heart. She looked broken. It was breaking Anna's heart seeing her like that. And just like that the fire in the girls eyes dissapiered as fast as they appeared.

You don't look the same at all as I remember.
The light has left your eyes.
Something has changed and you were way more put together.

But I remember something someone asked me back it school.
Abi, if you asked me I'll still go to ball with you.

A memories of a ball appeared in their minds remembering the fun time they had together.

The universe is infinite and it's defined there's an alternate reality where it's only you and me.

Anna put her hands around Abigails shoulders.

Take me back in time to high school
Hold me closer that before.
Feel my heart and mend what's broken.
To feel you once more

(Without the cost)

They looked in to eachothers eyes and realized what they knew before. The one is in front of them.

Take me back in time to high school.
Take me back when things were right
(Take me back in time)
Light my heart and light my shadow.
For one more time
(One more time)

Cuz I already lost it once what I already won.
I lost too much now to care but I know that somethings still there.

Abigail looked in to her eyes and promised.

I'll never let you go

Anna did the same.

I'll never let you go.

Then together.

I'll never let you go now

In time to love you hold me closer than before.
Feal my heart and mend what's broken to feel you once more.
(Feel you once more)

Take me back in time to high school.
Take me back when things were right.
Light my heart and light my shadow
To make it alright


Then their lips meet. When they parted they smiled.

„I will do everything to make it up to you“

„Me too“

„Till the end?“

„Till the end“

Werewolf marriage- BugheadWhere stories live. Discover now