Chapter Twenty-two

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You didn't see that coming, did ya?“

Were we dreaming?
Was that halucinaition?
Was it real?

Fortunatly it was real.

In all her glory there she was standing making all of us speechless. It was so quiet that you could hear nail falling down.

Standing there in her cloak, her hair in braid she smiled and took a few steps foward

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Standing there in her cloak, her hair in braid she smiled and took a few steps foward.

„What?“ she said „Why are you all looking like you seen a ghost?“ she teased

„Is it really you?“ Jellybean asked.

„,Of course it is darling“ she caresses her cheek and kissed her forehead. Jellybean then hugged her.

„Oh, carefull or you gonna squieze the life out of me“ she giggled. Jellybean pulled away and noticed Anna's stomach.

„Is that my niece or nephew?“ she asked and put her hand on the stomach.

„Yeah that's your nephew“ she smiled and Jellybeans eyes widen.

„You already know what it is?“ she asked excitment coming from her voice.

„GROUP HUG“ Bella yelled and dragged all the girls to eachother.

„Wow what a heartwarming welcome, thank you, you little sweethearts“ Anna chuckled.

„Anything for our 'Mama bear'“ Cheryl said and pointed at her stomach.

They all laugh.

„What were you doing while you were gone?“ Jellybean asked

„Taking care of flowers in the sancturary, reading dads book and relaxing“

„Sounds like a vacation“ Veronica said

„It really was“ Anna smirked „Now were is my brother I need to talk to him“

„He's currently being tortured by 'the boys'“ Veronica chuckled making girls smirked

„Poor guy“ Anna said and put her cloak away revealing her dress

„Anyway“ Anna said „I shall go and save my big brother, see ya later“

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„Anyway“ Anna said „I shall go and save my big brother, see ya later“

Then she left the room, in the hall she closed her eyes and focused on her brothers scent. When she catched it, she opened her eyes and followed it to the east wing. By the scent she navigated herself to the library. She felt that he was alone which seemed unussual considering the celebrations she heard from the room on the other end of the hall. She could swear she just heard Archie screaming 'I'm a general WHEEEEEE'.

She opened the door and saw beanie wearing boy sitting on a couch with a book in his hands. She watched him for a moment and then she decided to speak.

„For a king that should be trying to get a hangover for tomorrow you're doing a piss poor job“ she teased

He turned his head and smiled

„For a young lady yourself you should wash your mouth with a soup“ he returned her attack. Then he runned towards her and gave her a hug. The hug was full of love and happiness. When they parted Anna said.

„Well it was told to me that you're being tortured by 'the boys' but this is dissapointing“ she faked sadness.

„What can I say? Who would have guess that all you need to calm bunch of boys is Hamilton?“ he smirked

„You always know how to get away from anything“ she teased

„In my defense it was your dads idea“

„My father is here?“ Anna asked with suprised tone

„Yes and he can't wait to see you“

„Well he's not the only one“

They both laugh and after that they both tried to say something.

„I should tell you something“ both said at the same time „What? You? What would you want to tell me?“ they did it again.

„Okay you first Anna“ Jughead said

„🎵I should tell you I'm so sorry, what I did wasn't right and I'm sorry🎵“

„🎵I should tell you, you were right. I was bastard and you were right🎵“

„🎵I should tell you 🎵“

„🎵I should tell you 🎵“

„🎵 I should tell you 🎵“

„🎵 I should tell you 🎵“

„🎵 I should tell you I'm dying 🎵“

To be continue...

If you didn't hated me then, now you do 🤣

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