Chapter six

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Jughead didn't had to be a genius to realize that Anna planned Betty's escape and to know where they are hidding. He had a plan to outsmart his cousin and to get his mate back.


During the next week Anna and Betty stayed at Anna's family home. It was a small cabin in the woods with one big room, two small bedrooms and bathroom.

In the big room was fireplace, kitchen in the corner, dinning table for four and a bookshelf.

In the bedrooms were two beds and a closet.

In the bathroom was shower, sink and toilet.

It was nice and cozy cabin with magic aura.

B: „Okay Anna, let me get it straight. Your half witch, half werewolf, your mother died when you were six, your twin sister during birth, your brother commited suicide at the age of twelve and your father was banished by your uncle which lead to you being raised by your uncle?“ Betty asked sitting on a chair.

A: „Yes, that lead to my protective character development“ she answered while making cerealias for both of them. She knew it was only a top of her iceburk but she believes that the more Betty know about her the trust she can get from her. She just want to help her.

B: „Wow, you had really sad childhood I'm so sorry for you“ she said while Anna was putting Betty's strawberry müsly and her chocolate one on the table.

A: „Don't be, it's not your fault“ she said and started eat.

B: „So Anna, how long are we gonna stay here? Not that I am complaining but I really wanna see my mum“ Betty asked after Anna finished her food.

A: „I'm not sure. It depends on how long is gonna Jughead looking for you and how aggresive it's gonna be but maybe around a month“ she said while washing her dishes.

B: „Oh and do you think you will ever be capable of coming back home to him?“

A: „*holding tears* I will never come back“

B: „Why?“

A: „If Jughead's gonna find out that it was me who got you out there I will be executed“ Betty was speechless

B: „So you would give your own life for my freedom?“ she said with tears and Anna nodded „Why would you do that?“

A: „On my hands is blood of innocent people, I killed them. You know after you kill someone especially someone you love, it change you permanently“ she sight „Only thought of you suffering because of my cousin is killing me inside and I knew I had to do something“ after that there was a moment of silent, Betty was scared knowing that Anna killed someone but somehow she knew she can trust her.

B: „Thank you, for everything“ she said and hugged her.

Before Anna could say anything a loud banging was coming from the door.

A: „Shit! He found us!!“ she said and opened the bookshelf that lead to a secret room „Stay here and be quiet!“ she ordered Betty and close it. Betty founded a small peek and started to look through it.

Anna looked around the room making sure that theres no sight of Betty being there. When she opened the door there she saw Jughead and her friends. Not noticing a small thing she left on the table.

A: „Hey guys...What brings you here?“
she said trying to stay calm.

J: „You didn't heard it? My Luna Elizabeth is missing“

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