Chapter seven

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Only one person could remember what happend that tragic day. A young girl. Everyone else were turned to stone. Their voices were echoing in her head. Their last words would be stuck with her forever or atleast she thought it will.

„Love, don't worry it will be fine I love you, I will always love you!" the voice of her fiance in her head was still repeating those words. Everyone else would be comforted by those words but not her. Those words tortured her.

They did,
they do
and they always will.


Anna was put in Jughead's office and Betty in his bedroom. Jughead decided to interrogate his cousin and to get more information about his mate's "kidnapping".

She was chained to a chair in front of his table. He was looking at her with anger. Sweetpea and Fangs were told to stay in the room, they really didn't want to.

J: „So your name is Anna Natalia Anete Roberts Jones III. right?" he asked, obviously he already knew that but to get some useful information from her he has to get under her skin.

A: „Why are you asking about something you already know?" she asked, she knew about his tactic but she need to buy herself sometime to get out her chains with her magic. Well it's not really easy with silver chains.

J: „I AM the one asking the questions, NOT you!" he yelled, he was already losing his temper, Anna on the other hand stayed calm. She was always better at this game of minds.

A: „Sure, whatever helps you sleep" she smirks knowing that she's winning. But to win completly she needs to risk. A lot.

J: „Watch your tone! You maybe a half witch but that doesn't mean you don't have to pay respect to me!“ he said, he was thinking about using his Alpha voice but knowing that some Alpha blood runs throught her veins he decided it wouldn't do anything. He had to play differently. „Do you know why I waited a whole week to get you?“

A: „Probably so you can ask me these stupid questions“ she said but Jughead ignored that comment

J: „What would you do if Betty's heat would start and I wasn't there?“ he asked playing his strong card.

A: „I would use some spells to make her feel better“ she smiled

J: „We both know that wouldn't help, it would end up like Screamers...“ he smirks. At the mention of the name Anna's smile dissapiered. „...or did you forgot what you did to them? How 'bout I'll invite Betty to listen the story of a monster called Anna?“he then snap his fingers to singal the boys. They bringed Betty to the room with Toni. He sat Betty on a couch and sat next to her taking her hand to his. Sweetpea turned the chair Anna was sitting on and turned it towards Jughead and Betty.

J: „Come on Anna, start with your story. You don't want to make your friend wait, do you?“ he said. Anna started to tear up. „So I should start?“

A: „No!“ she snapped „I'll do it“ she added. Toni wannet to help her so badly but she couldn't. Anna wouldn't let her. „It all started on my birthday three months ago...“



I was getting ready for my the party when suddently one of my best friend Emma runned through the door.

E: „Anna! Oh my god you won't believe what he did?“ she asked, she had blond hair in braid. She was only wearing her pink bra, short skirt, high heels and Screamers leather jacket. It was a signature jacket of our pack Screamers where I was Alpha and she Beta.

A: „Jesus Emma! You can't scare me like that!“

E: „Sorry but you had to see this“ she said and dragged me out to the garden where my birthday party was hold.

There i saw it.

All Screamers where surrounding one three. Fluffy the dog mascot was barking at it. When the others noticed that I arrived they were farther and then I saw what they were looking at.

It was Abigail.

She was pinned to the tree. Blood coming through her arms. By her neck she was tied to the tree.

She was dead.

A: „A? Abi? Abigail? Come A this isn't funny! Please tell me this is a joke!“ I said towards the body. Then I noticed the note on her chest. It said:

„You can't control everything, last time it was your brother, this time her but who will be next? Remember all of them will have in common one thing. All of them love you


I started to cry. Abigail my best friend. She was just like me half witch half werewolf and it was my fault that she died. My fiance Vojta tried to comfort me but it didn't worked.

V: „Shhh Anna it's not your fault“

A: „No it is! I am a monster! I am a killer who doesn't deserve to live!!

V: „Love, don't worry it will be fine I love you, I will always love you!“

A: „NO!!“ she screamed.

What others could think that's it was a simple scream, it wasn't. With the scream Anna released her magic that turned everyone around her to stone.

A: „Vojta? Vojta! No!“ she cried realising what she did.

The next thing she could remember was Jellybean running to her asking what happend and her not replaying to her.

{End of flashback}


Betty wannet to comfort her so badly but Jughead was holding her hand and having his head on her shoulder. Toni and others wannet to do the same but knew they couldn't.

A: „Is this what you wannet Jug? To carve my heart open and then let me to bleed? You know what cousin? I don't care anymore, you can stab me, punch me, slit my throat, torn me apart, decapite me or burn me to ashes. I don't give a fuck anymore. Just kill me already“ she said and started at him without any emotions. Waiting on her end.

J: „We since you want it so badly, you will get it. You will be torn apart by wolfs alive. Put her to her cell“ he said and left with Betty to his room leaving Anna to her demise.

Look I_ship_Jarchie your now one of the characters too! You are Abigail Fly!

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