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Jughead left to his office even through everyones protests.

„Come on Jug you can do it“ he mumbled to himself „Where can a young pregnant woman hide? Cabin? No“ he said and throw away first paper.

„Somewhere in the palace?“


„Henry's place?“



„Won't even get a foot in that place“

He was throwing papers everyone trying to figure out where she could go

„Think Jug, THINK!“

He then looked back at the last papers  he throw away.

Then it hit him.

„The sancturary“


„WHY ARE YOU YELLING?!“ Jellybean yelled from the doorway.

„I know where she is!“

„Great, but we are not gonna go there“

„What! Why?“

„You know what she said, she doesn't want us to get her and we have to respect that, no matter how much it hurts“ Jellybean said and looked at one of the photos on Jughead's table, it was the three of them in the rose patch. All of them in beanies and leather jackets. Jughead and Anna wete 14 and Jellybean 10 years old. They we all happy as always, it was before everything went down, before Jughead started to close himself from them, before Jellybean started to leave every day and night, before Anna started to cry herself to sleep from guilt and pain.

Tears started to fall from both of them.

„You're right but please let me at least send her a letter with an invitation for my wedding“ Jughead pleaded and Jellybean nodded.

„Okay, but you can force to come. That have to be her choice, not yours“ and with that she left the room.

Jughead started to write:

My dearest, Anna,

I know you don't want to come back home and trust me I respect your decision more than anything but please hear me out.

I know you are pregnant, I could hear the small hearbeat that couldn't belong to anyone else that an unborn pup. Also your scent slightly changed. I know you used your magic to hide your bump. All I can possibly say is  congratulation. You have no idea much I am happy for you.
If you would ever like to come back home or come to visit your friends or if you would need a protection, don't hesitate and come here. The gates will always be open for you.

But I want to ask you for a favor. Well that's exacly what your name means ‚favor‘ stay safe and healthy and if you would like to come to my and Betty's wedding. I know you didn't liked what I did but trust me, I changed and I still wanna change more and more. Possibly for the better and good. Betty was kind enough to forgive me and gave me a second chance. You can say that I have everything I'll ever need but that's not true. There's one think that I'm missing.

It's you.

So please, would you do me the honor and come back in two months for my wedding.

Lost of love, luck, health and happiness from someone who would do anything to be called your brother again


After he finished writing he called for a trustworthy messenger who would be capable of getting to the sancturary.

The only person capable of that was Trevor.

Trevor went and came back two days later with her words:

„If he truly changed for good, I will come“

And that made Jughead smile

She is going to come

Werewolf marriage- BugheadWhere stories live. Discover now