Chapter two

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When Betty arrived at the big pack house she was immediately taken to her bedroom. She was confused. She didn't know what to believe in. Does werewolfs exists? Is this a big joke? How the hell can she get out of here?

So many question but no answers.

In her bedroom was a big bed, table, chair and two doors to bathroom and closet.

She sat on her bed and wait. She didn't know what she is waiting for but she waited.

In that very moment on the other side of the house is Anna coming to Jughead's office.

She knocked on the door.

J: Come in!
A dark voice said. Anna started to shiver out of fear.

She knew him since their birth. She was born two months earlier and he two weeks later than their due. She was lucky that she survived unlike her twin sister. They were raised like a siblings and she loved him, she still love him. She just doesn't understand how from a loving kind boy became a terrifaing monster.

She came in.

J: Ah Annie, is she here?
He asked coldly.

A: Yes, she is in her bedroom.
She nodded.

J: I though that were are gonna put her in my room?
He said getting angry.

A: I-I-I thought that she maybe need some time, it wasn't easy to get her from the house...
She said more scared with every word said.

J: And what happend, that you didn't do as i order?
He said irritaited.

A: We....

J: We what?

A: We kinda busted her front door.....

J: WHAT?!??!!
He said not believing that.

A: And then we took her while Sweetpea was holding her mother...
She said looking to the her feet.

J: Well, she is alright so I don't really care.
He said now calmed.

She didn't know what to say. He didn't even cared if they hurt her mother. She knew that his heart was cold but she didn't knew it was that cold.

J: What are you looking at? Go!
He said going back to his paper work.

J: And Anna!
He said before she left.

J: Don't let anyone to even come to her.

A: And what about food?

J: That will he your job, now go!

She then left and Jughead after years he smiled, but it was a honest smile not like the others. He is gonna meet his mate, he is gonna prepare a diner for her. He then said to himself.

J: She is gonna be mine...
He then continue with his work.

During his work Anna was trying to get enough courage to knock on Betty's door. She was holding a plate with mashed potatos with schitzel and a glass of orange juice. She then finally knocked with her elbow and then she opened with her leg. She put the food on the table.

A: Hi
She said but Betty was too scared to answer her. Betty put her knees to her and her head on them. Anna slowly came to her and sat next to her on the side of the bed.

A: Hi
She repeated, nothing.

A: I bringed some food for you and an orange juice.
She didn't answer.

A: You don't have to talk to me, but atleast look at me.
She said touching her hand. Betty looked at her. In her eyes she didn't saw hatred but concered. On the other hand Anna saw in her eyes fear.

A: I'm so sorry for everything, the way we bring you here wasn't what we planned or wanted.
She said and looked down.

Betty then put her knees away and lift Anna's head with her hand. She was tears in her eyes.

B: Please don't cry.....

A: You don't understand, this is wrong. We shouldn't bringed you here!!
She said and more tears came from her eyes. She stand up and left, smashing the door behind her.

Betty than started to eat, it was good but she didn't know that someone was  looking at her thought the secret camera. The someone was Jughead. He was admiring her beauty. But he was also angry that Anna spoke to her. Jelaousy flew his body because she touch Anna and not him. She was just suppose to bring her food. He broke a pencil when he saw Betty cried but he did nothing when Anna was crying. He loved her but he was scared, because everyone who he loved died.

To be continue....

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