Chapter Seven

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     "Nightstalker? Really?"

     "Hey! It's a nice name Glory." Sunny said kindly, shooting a glance at Tsunami. The SeaWing heir rolled her eyes.

     "It is, but can we call him Nightstalker and not remember Darkstalker?" Tsunami retorted.

     I shrunk back a little, but I stood my ground otherwise.

     "He likes it, and that's that." I huffed.

     "So your dragonet, he can really read minds? And see the future?" Clay asked. I nodded. "Did you hear that Starflight? He can read minds AND see the future!"

     "I know. That's just . . . wow." He replied. "But we can't forget Moonwatcher," He pointed out. "Who also has those powers."

     The rest of us nodded.

     "So, this other . . . egg?" Peril asked. I lifted my gaze to meet her electric blue eyes.

     "What about it?" I asked.

     "You said it feels double the size as Nightstalker's, right?"

     "Yes . . . " I said slowly. What is she saying? I noticed purplish orange on my scales and shifted them back to their right colors.

     "Well . . . doesn't that mean it's a twin egg?"

     "What do you mean?"

     "I mean that there are two dragonets inside that egg right now."

     "DEATHBRINGER!" I yelled a while later. Where is this idiot? I've called him what, five times already?

     "Geez, I'm coming Glory." Deathbringer emerged a second later. "Yeah?"

     I rolled my eyes. "How can you be so calm? We're having twins!"

     "WHAT?!" Deathbringer roared. "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO IN THE FIRST PLACE?! I WOULD HAVE COME RUNNING!" Grandeur looked at us with a half annoyed half confused face.

     "Glory?" She asked. "Care to . . . explain?"

     "I'm having twins." I said shortly.

     "You - what - how?!" She stuttered. I shrugged.

     "I don't know, but they're coming out now."

     "Wait, it's been nine months?" Deathbringer asked.

     "Yes. And I'm laying it in the same spot as Nightstalker's egg." I said. "Well, what are you waiting for?" I asked when no one moved. "Come on!"

     "This is an amazing egg." My mother said, nodding at it.


     "Glory? Question." Deathbringer asked.

    "I have an answer." I said, not completely sure that I did. "Go on."

     "Well, half of it looks like Nightstalker's egg, right? But the other half looks like a RainWing egg, with black. Why - ?"

     "Because, Deathbringer, one half of the egg has the dragonet that has more RainWing in it, and the other side has the dragonet that has more NightWing in it. See?" I explained.

     "Oh." He said, staring at the egg a second longer. I rolled my eyes.

     "Deathbringer, you can be really simple when you want to be." I said.

     "Well . . . that's just a part of who I am." Deathbringer gave a charming smile that I had to force myself to look away from.

     "Anyways, let's come back in another few months, see how they are." I said.

     "Hey Glory? I had a nickname for you before you were born. And stolen." My mother said with a slight growl to her throat when she said stolen.

     "Um, okay? First question, what was it?"

     "It was Fern." She said.

     "Okay . . . second question. What are you implying?"

     "I am saying, you might want to give your dragonets a nickname for your before they come out of that egg."

     "Oh. Already done!" Um . . . well, I kinda maybe sorta forgot them - "

     "Nightwraith? For the NightWing." Deathbringer said. I nodded: That was it.

     "Deathbringer, that is exactly the right one! Please don't name the other dragonet something having to do with Night though. But I like it. And the RainWing's nickname I forgot, so . . . how about Tangle? Like, tangling vines?" I suggested.

     "Nice." He said. "And by the way, I knew that. About not having to name all out dragonets something with Night in them."

"Sure you did. Anyways, come on, let's go. We need to occupy ourselves until it comes. Six more months of waiting, and we'll be there!"

     YAY! FINALLY! ANOTHER CHAPTER HAS BEEN PUBLISHED! I'm so sorry I took so long to update, I wasn't very on top of things. Now, some of you like Deathbringer (I think) so, when Glory called him simple, it was just Glory being Glory. Sarcastic, moody, Glory. But she didn't mean it, she was just being herself trying to defy that she liked him.

     I know that hybrid dragons get their dominant genes from their mothers, but I didn't know that before I came up with these characters, sorry!

     I also know that Grandeur isn't Glory's mother, but I again, didn't know that when I wrote that chapter until I re-read the book . . . so, again, sorry!

     By the way, that's one of Glory's dragonets (the picture for this chapter) and I decided to put the other one (The RainWing) as the picture for the next chapter, revealing their names (because I'm too excited not to do that for another day or something).

     Also, I almost put the NightWing dragonet's name when I was writing that other paragraph, you can tell how excited I am.

     I just realized the dragonet looks more like a SeaWing NightWing . . . she's a Rain-Night hybrid though, not a Sea-Night hybrid!

     Thank you for reading this book, it means a lot to me and I never actually thought I would get reads on my books, so thank you! Have a happier 2021 (AHEM, CORONA) and I will see you in the next chapter! (Probably going to be published a few minutes after this one, because I haven't updated for so long, I want to make it up.) Bye!!!

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