Mother's Day Special!!!

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    Third Person POV
    Phantomhunter's least favorite holiday was . . . well, she didn't really know her least favorite holiday. Unless you counted the holiday when Chameleon kidnapped her. Why was she thinking about least favorite holidays again? Oh, right. Because Moonraiser asked her.
    "Um, I honestly don't know," She replied. "Do you?"
    "No. I just wanted to see if you had one."
    "You know you're so fun, right? Anyways," Phantom looked around. "Have you seen our parents?"
    "No, but I know that father said he was going to tell Spacestriker to take Hope away for a - " She nudged me. "Date."
    "I already told you we're not ready!" Phantom said, feeling her face heat up. Moonraiser turned a very bright shade of yellow and laughed.
    "I guess you're right." She said after laughing her head off. "So anyways, what are you going to get your mother?"
    "I was thinking a little like, memorial thing."
    "I mean, not exactly that, but kind of like . . . a thing where I make something like a scroll but instead of writing there's drawings, but there's also little writing underneath the pictures basically explaining them." (It's like the Pyrrhia version of a photo album)
    Moonraiser's eyes sparkled. "That's a great idea!" She said. Then she wilted. "But I don't know what to do for my mother. I mean, she's the ruler of two tribes. What can I get her? She has everything . . . three dragonets, two of them in a relationship, she has . . . two heirs, me and Peony. Probably you too. She has a bodyguard who is also her mate and . . . how much more could you get in life?"
    "Love." Phantomhunter said. Moonraiser cocked her head. "She has love from Deathbringer, but not from any of her dragonets. At least, they don't really express it. Maybe you should spend the day with her?"
    "That would be cool! We could do all sorts of things together! You're the best, Phantomhunter!" Then she ran off toward the pavilion, leaving the NightWing alone. She sighed and went to tell her father about it.
    And then something wet and slimy hit her face.
    Annoyed, vision obscured by mud pie, she shook herself and saw herself face to face with a small RainWing-NightWing hybrid.
    "Hello Peacemaker," She said drily. The dragonet burst into giggles.
    "I got you!" He said. Peacemaker's adopted sister threw the mud pie back at him, and he jumped.
    "I got you as well." She stated. "Do you know where father is?"
    "Yeah," Said the dragonet. "He's over there." Peacemaker pointed to a clearing where a black shape was visible. "How's it going with Moooonraaaaiiissseeerrrrrrrr?" Peacemaker asked as Phantomhunter started toward the clearing. Once again Peacemaker burst into giggles as Phantomhunter gave him the death glare.
    "I promised you next time I would smash you into a tree." Phantomhunter said jokingly. Peacemaker squealed as she chased him around.
    "So let her kill you!" Spacestriker yelled back. Peacemaker gave him a hurt look and he burst into laughter. "Okay, but really. Phantom, stop." Phantomhunter obeyed instantly. "You're looking for me, right?"
    "Yep. You've been spared this time," She added under her breath to Peacemaker. He giggled, pretending to be afraid.
    "What's going on?" Spacestriker asked. Phantomhunter told him that she wanted to make a scroll with memories, and her father instantly agreed.
    "I'll go get some of the things." He said.
    "I wonder what Moonraiser is doing . . . " Phantomhunter said, lifting her gaze to the sky.

    Moonraiser's POV
    "That's a great idea!" Deathbringer said. "The only problem is that no matter how hard I try, I can't get Glory away from me." He added sarcastically. Hm. I thought. Mother must be rubbing off on him.
"Hello, Deathbringer." Glory said. "Goodbye, Deathbringer." She waltzed out to the jungle. For once, Deathbringer didn't insist on following her.
    "Dad, please act like yourself, like you're not plotting a big present for her. Just act how you normally act. And also," I said. "While you're out with her, please do look for some stuff."
    "Why? I thought that you were just going to spend some time with her."
    "Yes, but I'm going to tell Phantomhunter something next time I see her."
    Deathbringer gave me a confused look but nodded. He swept off after Glory. I turned back to the pavilion and thought about her gift. It was going to be the best gift Glory ever got . . . I felt it.

~I am lazyyyyyyy. So now they're giving their mothers their presents~

    Third Person POV
    Hope turned around as Phantomhunter walked toward her. The larger NightWing smiled at her daughter, also noting that she was walking carefully, hiding something behind her back. When Phantom reached Hope, she brought out the scroll.
    "I made this." She said. She opened the scroll.  "It's all the things we did." Cautiously, she put it in her mother's talons. The slightly green underbellied dragon took the scroll in her talons and hugged Phantomhunter.
    "Thank you," She whispered. Phantomhunter smiled and held up something else . . . it was a small dark wooden carving that looked like Hope. Hope's eyes were glistening with tears now. "This is the best Mother's Day ever." She said. "And you made it happen."
    Meanwhile, Moonraiser was stepping into the pavilion. Glory turned around and saw her daughter. At this she straightened up and cocked her head. Moonraiser advanced toward her mother. She slowly brought her eyes to meet the RainWing queen's and turned her mother's talons up. Then she dropped in a figurine that looked like a miniature version of Glory, complete with color changing scales. (Hope's statue thing moves.) The small Glory turned around, yawned, and curled up in Glory's talons.
    The RainWing queen hugged her daughter.
    "Also . . . I realized that we haven't really been spending time together. So tomorrow, since the sun is setting now, let's spend the whole day together . . . sort of like a bonding thing."
    Glory looked at her daughter and smiled, nodding. Then she and Moonraiser headed to the back of the pavilion and went to sleep.

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