Chapter Eight

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    "GREAT, I'VE LOST ANOTHER EGG!" I exclaimed one evening. "Oh . . . where is it, where is it, where is it?!" I looked around the Rainforest for some landmark about where I put the egg.

    "Glory! Over here, I found a log with venom on it! And that one looks a bit burned." Deathbringer said.

    "Out of my way!" I said, trampling towards the logs.

    "Oh, yeah, don't bother saying thank you!" Deathbringer yelled.

    "Yeah, I won't bother!" I said over my shoulder. As I neared the clearing, I searched for a silver egg . . . and there it was. Half silver with red, green, and orange flecks on it, and the other half a beautiful shade of dark forest green with pink, purple, and dark blue.

    "It's . . . wow . . . just . . . wow."  Deathbringer said, sidling up beside me.

    "I know." I said.

    "Mommy?" Came a voice from behind us. "Daddy? What's going on?"

    The two of us whipped around only to find . . .

    "Nightstalker? What are you doing here?! I asked Jambu to look after you!" I exclaimed. "I really shouldn't rely on him for anything, should I?" I said, exasperated.

    "Hey!" A pink dragon suddenly appeared in front of me, glaring but still pink. I didn't flinch when Jambu appeared in front of me, nor did I look surprised.

    "I've been practicing." I said, noticing how Jambu raised his eyebrow. "Besides, I kind of expected you to be there."

    "Oh. Well that makes me feel a ton better, thanks sis. Hey, what's that sound?" He asked suddenly. Then I heard it too.

    "It's here!" I said, completely forgetting about my son and my brother.

    "Excuse me," Nightstalker said. "What is everyone talking about, and why don't I know about it?" The dragonet stamped his foot.

    "A while ago, I laid an egg, and inside that egg right now is your siblings, who are actually coming out right now. So . . . meet your new siblings?"

    There was another crack from the egg and Nightstalker pushed past me, planting himself firmly by the egg's side. "This is my siblings!" He said, using COMPLETELY IMPROPER GRAMMAR HOW DARE HE -

    Ahem. Yes. Back to the story and stuff.

    I stared as a small black head popped out of the egg, followed by a galaxy colored body, with a smaller green one from behind that one. The RainWing stumbled, and the NightWing, seeing what was happening, picked up a rock, and somehow, it twitched and helped the RainWing get up from the ground.

    "She's an animus." I breathed.

    "But how? I'm not, you're not." Deathbringer said.

    "Yes, but you must be an ancient descendant of Whiteout." I said.

    "Whiteout?" He asked.

    "Darkstalker's sister." I said.

    "Oh. Don't you mean The Darkstalker's sister?"


    "So wait, does this mean RainWings have an animus now?" Jambu asked.

    "If the dragonet marries a RainWing, yes." I said, nodding. "Actually, technically because she is part RainWing, so she doesn't have to marry a RainWing. But then again, if her offspring decides to move somewhere, and it doesn't marry a RainWing, our animus bloodline is lost forever. And also, names."

    "Yeah! I was thinking for the RainWing, we could do something like - "

    "And I'm going to stop you right there mister, I'm their mother, I come up with the names. And as queen," I said, noticing him about to argue. "I command you to let me name them."

    "But doesn't that make me king?" He said. I stamped down the crimson scales creeping up my body. Crimson for anger and anotheremotionthatIdon'twanttotalkaboutrightnow.

    "We're not married yet, so no." I said, turning away.

    "Sure . . . " He said. "I noticed how you said 'yet', by the way."

    That earned him a smack in the face.

    I looked at the dragonets, playing, both completely oblivious that one of them was special.

    "Well, Nightwraith does suit the NightWing, but it's your suggestion Deathbringer, so I'm going to have to say no. Plus, I have a better name. What about Moonraiser?" I said. The dragonet looked at me, perking her ears to what must have been my thoughts, because she nodded and continued playing.

    "I like that." Deathbringer said. said. Jambu agreed.

    "Mommy? Did you get the name from Moon?" Asked Nightstalker. I jumped, completely forgetting that he was there. A question popped into my mind as I slowly remembered the whole ordeal with Jambu and Nightstalker. That wasn't very long.

    "How do you--?"

    "I met her on the way here." He said happily. "She was very nice, and said she went on many adbmures in her life and she wants me to go on won too." He said.

    "First of all, it's adventures, not adbmures, second, it's one, not won, and third, isn't she in school?"

    "She said she was visiting her moter." He said.

    "Moter?" I stopped for a second, confused. "Oh, you mean mother." I said after a while. He nodded.

    "So, Moonraiser, what about the RainWing?" Jambu asked.

    "Hmm. I was thinking something like, Macaw? He certainly looks like one." I said as he changed his scales to look like a macaw that just happened to be passing by.


    "Yeah. That's nice. Moonraiser and Macaw the twins, as well as Nightstalker. Three children. I think that's enough." Deathbringer said.

    "Who says?" I demanded, making Deathbringer twist his face into a horrified expression. I laughed. "I was just joking, silly."

    "Right," Deathbringer said. "I knew that.

    "Or was I?"


    Yay! Other chapter! Ok, so powers for the dragonets in case anyone was confused.
I was originally going to give them all both of the powers from the tribes (all of them, future seeing, mind reading, venom, fire, camouflage etc.) but I realized that was too over powered, so...

    Nightstalker: Mind reader, future seer, can change scales, fire

    Moonraiser: Mind reader, can NOT change scales, venom, animus

    Macaw: Can change scales, fire, venom (I gave him both fire and venom since otherwise he would be the runt who barely had any powers.)

    Well, thank you for reading, and I will see you in the next chapter. Bye!!!

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