Chapter Six

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    I ducked under a branch as I smashed into a tree. The gash on my wing bled just a little, but it was fine for now.

    "Help me look for it, come on!" I yelled, crashing into another tree.

    If I lost it, it's my fault. I thought guiltily. I'm the one who left it here, unguarded, all by itself. Why are you so dumb, Glory?

    "Deathbringer! Are you looking or not?! I don't want its siblings to miss it!" I shouted. The dragon behind me stopped for a second before running after me to keep looking.

    Oops. I forgot to tell him that I'm having another egg. Six months in and I'm already losing it. I almost crashed into a tree again in my anger, when I realized I was probably hurting my unborn dragonets whom I already nicknamed Vine and Nightwraith.

    But who knows what they'll look like? I'll have to come up with another name too, when they're born, but for now, I need to keep looking for this egg.

    Deathbringer yelped from a nearby clearing.

    "Is that an IceWing egg?! What is it doing here?!" He asked. I rushed over to him, and shook my head, disbelief crossing my face. Secretkeeper told me about this. I could just make out the tiny specks of pink, blue, and green here and there.

    "That's not an IceWing egg. They're usually white with a tint of blue or pink . . . but this . . . this is different."

    "Well then, what is it?"

    "Secretkeeper told me that when she was looking for Moon's egg, she found a silvery-white one in a clearing under then moons."

    "So this is a NightWing egg?"

    "Well, yes, if it is, then it would be getting powers, as NightWings get their powers from the moons, which is why NightWings haven't had those powers since they moved to the volcano."

    "But . . . is it?" He asked, turning it around in his claws. It rolled back to the ground under the moons, which were already sinking down to the horizon to the west while there was a small glimmer of sunshine coming from the east.

    I shook my head again.

    "Then what is it?"

    "It's our egg."

    "That . . . is ours?" Deathbringer whispered disbelievingly. I waited for a while, running through the signs in my head before nodding and explaining.

    "See the little specks of rainbows here and there? That's how you know it's half RainWing half NightWing, but since we're the only ones who had an egg together . . . " I trailed off.

    "Wow." Deathbringer breathed, looking back at the egg. We were both gazing at it when we heard a snap. We whirled around.

    No, I realized after scanning the trees for a dragon. That wasn't a snap. That was a crack.

    I slowly turned back to the egg, still scanning the area for signs of danger. Deathbringer saw me turning, and he must have figured it out too, because he followed my lead.

    C-crack. C-c-crack

    "It's finally happening!" I squeaked. I shook my head vigorously. No. You are not Sunny. You are Glory, okay?

    "What do we do?!" Deathbringer yelped.

    "Um . . . um . . . leave it alone. If we help it, we might accidentally hurt it." I replied.

    "Okay . . . " Deathbringer replied a little worriedly, looking at the egg. It suddenly broke open, revealing a small dragonet who resembled a RainWing, although he had lilac purple scales with rainbow specks on them. But then I realized he didn't really have any NightWing in him, and the only thing that was NightWing was his egg, now cracked open.

    That's weird. Shouldn't he look more like . . . a mix between a NightWing and a RainWing?

    Then I realized that he had changed his scales to look more NightWing like, and he looked up at me with the expression of:

    Is better, mommy?

    I stared back in shock.

    "Can you . . . read . . . minds?" I whispered, not daring to be any louder. The dragonet stared blankly back at me.

    I looked for a reaction, quickly realizing that I should think the question. Can you read minds?

    The dragonet nodded.

"Glory," Deathbringer asked, noticing this action while I gasped quietly. "Can that dragonet read minds?"

    "Yes, and it was born under two moons, which Moon told me means that it has both future and mind powers." I replied shakily, still amazed.

    "Wow." Deathbringer breathed.

    "Well, you're going to need a name aren't you?" I asked. The dragonet stared back at me and I sighed at myself.

    You're going to need a name, right?  I asked, this time in my head. The dragonet nodded. How about . . . Shifter? The dragonet looked amused as he snorted.

    Okay, not Shifter then. Um . . . what about . . . Night something? Nightchaser, Nightbringer, Nightraiser . . . " The dragonet shook his head at every name suggestion.

    Okay, fine. Finally looking at the rising sun, a name popped into my head. What about Nightstalker? The dragonet jumped, roaring happily. My heart melted: Nightstalker's first roar!

"So I guess your name's Nightstalker then." I said. The dragonet nodded eagerly. Deathbringer stared for a while before finally looking at me with a puzzled expression.

    "What's his name? Tell me again" He said.

    "Deathbringer, this is Nightstalker, your son."

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