Chapter Twenty-Two

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    Macaw's POV

    I looked around the ruins of the Cloud Castle one more time before letting the fear rush over me and show on my scales.

    How is that even possible? How would they know?

    I dove into the water, making myself look like a SeaWing.

    Hey! How come I've never seen you before? A different SeaWing flashed at me suddenly.

    I'm new around here. I flashed back, slightly nervous.

    What do you mean?

    My mother kept me in her home for a long time. I only made it out earlier today.

    Oh. That's interesting. Um, how come you're here?

    I wanted to explore the ocean, take in my surroundings.

    Um, you know this is far away from the -

    Deep Palace, yes, yes, I know.

    Well, um, see you later?

    I guess, yeah.

    By the way, what's your name?

    My name is Wave. How about you?

    My name is Fin.

    So you're a SeaWing prince then, huh?

    Yep! Glad to 'sea' you've heard of me. Ha! Get it?

    Y-yeah! Ha ha, so funny. Well, I guess I'll see you around then.

    Yeah. See you Gulf!

    I managed to swim back to the mainland, gasping for breath as I came out onto the shore.

    How come Darkstalker enchanted me to be able to speak Aquatic, but not be able to breathe underwater or something? Why was I stupid enough to not ask him to? Ugh!

    "Macaw! What are you doing out here?"

    I jumped at the sudden voice.

    "Oh, uh, hey Kinkajou."


    "I'm just . . . "


    "Yeah!" Let's go with that.

    "Well, so am I!"

    Wait a minute. If I got Darkstalker to enchant me to be able to control Moonraiser and Phantomhunter, and Moonraiser wanted Kinkajou to get out of her way . . .

    How is she here?



    "Um, weren't you enchanted by Moonraiser to . . . "

    "Get out of her way! But that doesn't mean I can't walk around."

    "True." I'll have to get Moonraiser or Phantomhunter to make her unable to move.

    "I'll see you around, Macaw!"

    "Or will you?" I mumbled.

    "What's that?"

    "Nothing! I was just saying that I wanted to see you again sometime soon!"


    "So . . . bye for now!"

    "See ya!"

    I watched as the RainWing flapped away towards Jade Mountain.

    One day I'll make it. One day. But for now...

    I'll have to use Moonraiser and Phantomhunter.

    Dun dun dun!!!

    Plot twist! Macaw's evil! (Fear the one who may not be trustworthy! The prophecy!)

    So this chapter answers questions about how come Moonraiser became evil so suddenly.

    Basically . . .

    Macaw managed to make Moonraiser bring back Darkstalker by telling her it was the only way that she could be loved by Glory, making Moonraiser think her mother hated her, so of course, she did it.

    Then Macaw got Darkstalker to enchant him to be able to control Moonraiser and Phantomhunter.

    After that, Macaw and Darkstalker were planning to betray Moonraiser and Phantomhunter, but they got there first.

    So Moonraiser's evil because of Macaw.

    And now I suppose you all want to know why Macaw's evil. Well . . .

    Macaw was teased by the other RainWings for being 'less like them' and 'having unusual powers'. This made Macaw sad and angry, so he wished for vengeance, and he wished to be the ruler of the tribe and punish all those who teased him.

    Then he had a big ambition to be more like his siblings, who weren't teased, BUT . . .

    That is not the "One with the biggest ambition", because he made the "biggest ambition" Moonraiser's ambition to be able to bring back the dead. He made it like that by accident when his ambition became less and less because it was slowly happening.

    Do you get it? I hope so. So technically, Moonraiser and Phantomhunter are NOT evil.

    Anyways, see you all in the next chapter! Bye!!!

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