Chapter Twenty-One

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    Wow, am I becoming big on notes before I start the chapter or something? This chapter is going to consist of the plan and Moonraiser and Phantomhunter's betrayal to Darkstalker.

    And I made up a name for the SkyWing. PLEASE, do NOT claim that you came up with the SkyWing name and I stole it from you or something, all I did was come up with a name that I though suited the SkyWing.

    (By the way, her name is Sphalerite, which I chose because I don't think anyone else has the name. If you would like to use the name, please let me know in the comments, and I will allow you. Obviously if you just came up with the name on the spot you don't have to ask.)

    From now on, edits to these notes will look likes this: Hello, this is an edit.

    Moonraiser's POV

    "Alright. So, let's get on with it already." Phantomhunter said. Darkstalker nodded and lifted up his talons, then putting them together to make a small arch. Phantomhunter and I did the same. And we spoke at the same time.

    "Together we enchant Sphalerite of the SkyWings to give us the power to be able to bring back the dead."

    The body glowed a blackish purple, darkening the skies. There was no light anymore. The sun was completely black, not emitting light any longer. This was the eternal world of darkness.

    And at the moment, I forgot that this was good for the world.

    Glory's POV

    I stared in shock as Turtle finished his explanation.

    "So Darkstalker's back?" I said worriedly.

    "Um, guys?" Sunny asked. But no one heard her.

    "Yeah." Turtle said.


    "We need to plan a defense. If Darkstalker is planning to bring back the NightWing Queen and Albatross, we have to protect ourselves."

    "Guys, can you listen to me for once?!"

    "Let's go. We have to - "


    We all turned to an angry looking Sunny.

    "Oh, um, sorry Sunny. We . . . "

    "Didn't hear me."

    "Uh, yeah." I said, realizing how strange that sounded.

    "Well that doesn't matter now, because look."

    She pointed to the sky, where the sun was completely black, and the clouds were invisible. The stars weren't in the sky. It was all black. There was no more light.

    Moonraiser's POV

    "There. Now that's done." I said. "There's some unfinished business we have to attend to."

    Darkstalker looked at us with curiosity. Probably wondering why he doesn't know about it. I thought. Ha! You're about to know.

    "And that is . . . ?" He asked.

    "Phantomhunter? If you could do the honors please." I said, smirking. Phantomhunter nodded and walked over to Darkstalker, lifting up her chin as she spoke.

    "Darkstalker, there's been a little change of plans."

    I picked up a stone from my pouch that I had been carrying along.

    "I enchant this stone to reverse the spells we cast on Peacemaker the Night-Rain hybrid forever." The stone shone pinkish yellow before blasting a ray of light at Darkstalker before he realized what was happening.

    Wow, another note! This the first time (or is it?) that this happened. But, I just wanted to let you all know that there might be another chapter update today. Don't get your hopes up, but I'm going to take a small break and wait about an hour or something before updating.

    I might not update again today, though. The thing is, I most likely will, because I have a plan for the next chapter. (Which might actually be pretty short, like this chapter.)

    But, my sister GachaCraft8760 has decided to write another book . . .

    The Only RainWing in the War!

    It's actually kind of similar to my book (Skylar's Backstory).  Ha! Yeah, right. It is NOTHING like Skylar's Backstory. It's at least ten times better. Apparently she actually decided to write that because of Skylar's Backstory. I think. Be sure to check it out, because even though I haven't read it yet, knowing her, it's going to be a good book.

    Anyways, now that half this chapter is just notes, I'll see you all in the next chapter! Bye!!!

    Okay, I just read my sister's Only RainWing in the War and as promised, it is amazing. But when I came back to edit this and tell you all that it was amazing . . .

    I saw that I have 1K reads! Thank you guys so much, I'm actually so shocked because I never thought this would happen!!!

    I'm so happy that you all enjoy my story! And now, like I said . . .

    See you all in the next chapter! Bye!!!

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