Easter Special!!!

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    Third Person POV
    It was going to be the best Egg Hunt the dragons had ever had!
    Until Tsunami came in with even better news.
    "Guys!" Tsunami yelled as Glory, Clay, and Starflight (with the help of Sunny) were looking for eggs. "It's hatching!"
    All four dragons stopped what they were doing and ran as fast as they could after the dark blue SeaWing. They skidded to a stop as they made it to the water's edge.
    "Tsunami, how are we going to see it? It's hatching underwater."
    Tsunami had a look on her face that Glory didn't like. "What?" She asked finally.
    "Well, being the amazing dragon that I am,"-Glory snorted- "I thought of you all and decided that he was going to hatch on the beach! And his sister is going to watch too." Tsunami waved at the ocean, and a second later, a SeaWing that looked a lot like Tsunami came out of the water.
    "There's another one?!" Glory exclaimed. Clay and Sunny stared in shock, while poor, poor Starflight was confused.
    "She hatched a while ago. She looks a lot like me, now that I look closely."
    "I really do, mom. Anyways, hello! My name is Princess Sunfish. But really, call me Sunfish or I will SKIN YOU ALIVE." Sunfish gave a pleasant smile. "Pleased to meet you."
    The other dragons looked at each other (or, Starflight thought he was looking at the others), and gave Sunfish nervous smiles back. And then there was a crack.
     "Oh, little brother! He's hatching! Mom, I have a name for him already."
    "You've thought about it that much Sunfish?" Tsunami asked, surprised. The princess nodded and headed over to the dragonet that was poking his way out of his egg.
    "How about Tide?" Sunfish suggested. Tsunami's face lit up.
    "That's a perfect name!" She yelped.
    "Of course it is." Sunfish replied. Tide fell out on his snout, causing him to blink multiple times before getting up.
    "Mama?" Tide said. "Suuuuufis."
    Sunfish wrinkled her snout, but her eyes were shining. "Is he trying to say 'Sunfish'?"
    "Suuuuufis." Tide replied. "Suuuuufis."
    "He's adorable. And he looks like Riptide, but he has really dark blue wings!" Glory said.
    Eventually the dragons got over Tide's cuteness, the crazy princess went into the ocean, and Tsunami joined the others for the egg hunt.
    "Hey!" Glory announced. "I've found an egg!"
    "Stop saying that!" Starflight said. "It gets annoying!"
    "But I really did." Glory said.
    "Well good for you then." Starflight said. Sunny went back to helping him look for eggs.
    Once all the dragons collected their eggs, they opened them.
    "Okay, so Glory got some things that change colors (Moonraiser made the stuff in the eggs), and she also got some flower crowns! Hm, was she enchanted to find these? Wait, no, she got a small figurine that looks suspisiously like a SeaWing." Kinkajou said. Glory climbed up onto a rock and watched the others show their stuff to Kinkajou.
    "Okay, Tsunami got a RainWing, and she also got an egg inside an egg... and that egg has fire in it! Go on, touch the fire!" Kinkajou shoved the egg into Tsunami's talons. Tsunami hesitated.
    "I think this is supposed to be for Clay..." She replied slowly. Kinkajou laughed.
    "Of course it is silly!" She replied. "Okay, you also got a present for baby Tide! He gave you some of his egg."
    Everyone burst out laughing, and an embarrassed looking Tsunami climbed to sit beside Glory.
    "Okay, Clay, you got some black scales and a NightWing figure. You also got a special present from your sibs, which is a drawing of them! Turns out Pheasant is a good artist." Kinkajou turned to Starflight and Sunny as Clay sat beside Glory. "Okay, Starflight and Sunny. Starflight has a SandWing figure, and some amber scales. He also got blue scales! Sunny got another NightWing and that concludes Easter! No, wait, she also got a piece of stone and some fur of a fox, as well as a drawing of Flower the scavenger!"
    The dragons cheered and flew off to their homes where they were to spend the night. And that really did conclude Easter.

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