dude, the turkey bacon

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"I'm just so unmotivated to go out

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"I'm just so unmotivated to go out." It had been two weeks since the party. I was laying down on his bed and he smiled at me.

"Yeah me too." We would do this most days. Lay on his bed, pass a blunt between us both or say a sentence and wait an hour to say another. Austin and I didn't really hang out with anyone besides each other since then. Christian would come around once in a while since he was still taking care of Vinnie.

But since Jacob was focusing on football, he never skipped school with us, and he didn't really hang out anymore because his mom was getting worse. It was just the two of us getting drunk sometimes and falling asleep in the same clothes from the night before. "I mean maybe we can go to the store for food." I moved onto my side to look at him and he smiled as he saw me again. Those small smiles that we had been forcing on our faces for a while. It was the only thing we could do, we were too tired to continue crying over everything.

"I guess so." I got up from the bed and he did too, "Uh I don't have any clothes to change into." He got up from the bed too and started to undress himself, he taken off his shirt and then he looked at me.

"Oh yeah, here take these." He passed me some sweatpants and a t-shirt from his closet, "And here." He tossed a pair of black low cut Nike socks to me and turned around to continue to get dressed. I turned around too, and that had been the routine for the past weeks. We would both turn around and change, then tell each other when we were both finished. And yeah, I felt bad that I had left behind Christian in the house alone, but he said that he had been having Vinnie there for a while. From his words it seemed like Vinnie hadn't been doing well, while none of us had heard from Emily in a while. I was still wondering why she did it, why Vinnie was won over, and most of the time I just thought about how Austin felt. Every time his family came home for only an hour, he told me to stay in his room and he'll figure things out. His mom was the only one who knew about it, and yes I hated her but I could cut her some slack for not telling her husband about their son sharing a bed with a girl who was in the same mental state as him.

But it was all fine, most of the time the house was empty and we were there by ourselves all the time and I never did anything to overstay my stay. I did try to leave one time, but Austin said that it was better if I stay and keep him company. "Ok ready?" He asked.

"Yeah." We both turned around and looked at each other. He smiled as he looked at the clothes I was wearing and I felt myself blush at how he was being. "Austin? Earth to Austin?" I said laughing.

"Yeah, yeah."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, you just look good in my clothes. I like it." I gave him a smile and walked up to him. We weren't that close, but close enough for comfort.

"I know, I look better than you." He laughed at my comment and then grabbed his keys, "You can keep it by the way."

"Oh really?" He nodded his head and lifted the hood of his jacket to cover some of his hair, "Yeah, now let's go."

"Okay." We both walked out of the house and started to ride the bikes out to the store. We hadn't taken his car anywhere since that day, he said that it reminded him too much of her, especially because they had sex in that car one time and he hated thinking about it. He said he didn't want anything to do with that car, that's why his dad is trading it in for a new one. He said he wanted to make different memories in there, better ones was his preference.

So we rode our bikes everywhere and it was nice, we never went too fast or too slow always at a medium pace so we could enjoy it all.

We were now passing by a small house that an old lady would live. She sat outside the porch everyday to watch the cars, so I would wave so she at least knew someone was there for her. Austin also made it a goal to get her flowers every time we went the store, so I would pay for those while he paid for the food.


"Do you want regular bacon or turkey bacon?" I looked at the variety of different bacons the grocery store had and looked back at Austin who was thinking too.

"Is turkey bacon healthier?"

I nodded my head and he grabbed it from the shelf and tossed it into the cart. "Do you want some watermelon?" He asked me as he pointed to the large container with a variety of different sized watermelon. I tilted my head thinking if I was actually going to eat it or not and I just nodded my head.

"Yeah sure, why not?"

"I was about to say, if you say 'no' I was going to eat it by myself then." He said which made me smile as he picked it up and put it into the cart. We started to go down the aisles, and once we made it to the baking aisle he looked at me squinting his eyes.

"What?" I asked laughing.

"Should we make cupcakes?" He rubbed his chin curiously and I stood by him leaving the cart on the side to look at all the flavors. "Or maybe a cake?" He continued.

"Hmm, let's make cake." I said smiling up at him.

He smiled brightly at me, "See, great minds think alike." He grabbed a box that was vanilla flavored and then a chocolate one. "Two layers, so we can enjoy it." He said quietly like a little kid which made me smile of how happy he was to make a cake.

"How about we get strawberry flavored?" I suggested as he continued looking.

"Strawberry?" He asked with a disgusted face. "Why?"

"Because it's good, cmon please." I grabbed the box and waved it in front of his face, he tried to not smile but ended up failing as he grabbed the box and smiled down at me, "Fine, three layers."

I smiled as he tossed it into the cart and we continued to look at the frosting flavors, "Excuse me." We heard from behind us and when we turned around, I felt my smile fade. Austin's for sure was gone as soon as he turned around, but we didn't say anything. We moved aside and even though she was there glancing at us, we continued our conversation. That probably made her feel worse, but I was not willing to waste my time with her.

"Thanks, uh- (Y/n)?" Why me?

I turned around and pursed my lips together, "Yeah Emily?"

"Can we talk one of these days?"

I was about to open my mouth when Austin grabbed onto my arm and smiled at me, "Lets go, were aren't finished. Plus I need shaving cream." I glanced back at her and continued walking with Austin.

I was saved from a conversation with her, and to be honest I didn't have anything to say at all so it was just a win for me.

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