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I aligned his cap nicely on his head so you could still see his dirty blonde hair from beneath. He didn't want to fix it nicely, so I just let it be but I could finally say that Vinnie could clean up nicely especially for his graduation day. Evan was in the guest room changing while Christian was wrapping the surprise gift that we had planned for a while. "You look very handsome Mr. Hacker." I straightened out his Sunday's best shirt, he smiled down at me as I patted his chest and backed up to see his whole appearance.
"Thank you." He turned around so I could see how it all looked from the back and then turned back around. "Does it look good?"
"Yeah, you look very nice." I walked back closer to him and he pulled me in to put his hands on both sides of my face. He connected our lips quickly as his hand roamed a bit under my shirt, but just above my waistline. I pulled away and smiled into one more kiss as he looked into his mirror.
"I do clean up nice, huh?" I smiled as I sat on my bed and looked at Vinnie making sure his hair was nicely put. I opened my mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Evan walking in. He was about to say something also, but we heard Christian yell from downstairs. "GUYS! COME DOWN STAIRS!" I rushed down stairs as Vinnie and Austin followed behind me and Christian stood in the kitchen with the small gifts wrapped up nicely.
I handed one to Vin as Christian handed one to Evan, "What's this?" Evan asked, a slight smile forming on his face. Vinnie looked at me confused and then back down at the present. Christian and I were excited to see their reactions, but Vinnie seemed really emotional about it. He would continue to look back down at it and then at both of us, tears were almost forming in his eyes too.
"Vin, why are you about to cry?" I lightly patted his eyes with my fingers as he let me and a small chuckle came from his lips, "I'm not, my eyes are just sweating a bit." He looked around and started to fan himself and then me with his hand, "Is it hot in here or is it just me?" Christian patted his back and put his arms around both of them.
"Open them up buds."
Vinnie and Evan opened their presents carefully making sure not to break or tear anything. When they finally looked to see their presents, you could see the nice smiles on their faces, "Thanks guys." Vinnie hugged onto me and dapped up Christian. Evan did the same and put on the watches Christian and I had picked from the mall. With the money we had earned recently it was nice to give the guys something that they were always talking about. Vinnie always talked about having a sliver watch to wear to banquets but he never had one and it never came to my mind to buy him one until recently. "I really like it." He kissed my head and pulled away from the hug. He looked back down at it and smiled.
He put it on and looked at it shine at the different angles it was being placed at, "I think I'm ready now." I looked over at Christian who was smiling over at us.
"Ready?" I asked. Evan nodded his head and Vinnie grasped onto my hand pulling me toward the door while Christian and Evan followed behind before we all ended up late.
"It's crazy that we are all here."
Christian and I were sitting on the bleachers, now listening to the class valedictorian talk about the years of high school and how it was so 'great'. But it didn't help that everyone already knew she got wasted the night before with her friends at the beach, so no one wanted to pay attention. "These speeches are never good unless it's one of the guys from the team." Christian whispered in my ear.
I nodded my head and saw Vinnie waving to me from where he was sitting, he was in the middle of the group with his last name being near the front of the alphabet and Evan being a little bit back. "I never thought some of us would make it but we did. And I think everyone deserves this diploma here. I want to start to thank all the people that have helped me during my years here at Dickson High-"
"What are you doing?" I looked over to Christian and saw him on his phone playing Call of Duty.
"I'm bored, I just want them to get the stupid diploma already." He stuffed his phone back into his pocket and looked back to the crowd with a bored expression. I looked over to the kids sitting in the rows and saw my dad on the sideline with Dickson High's assistant football coaches. He smiled as he looked at his team graduate, no one had failed this time which was surprising but nice to see that the majority of the were going to college while some were going into the military like Austin.
"I want to end off my speech with one thing to say." She looked at the crowd and smiled, "I want you all to know that these were the best years of my life, and I wouldn't change it for anything." You could tell she was about to start crying but I didn't judge, I knew I'd probably cry too at Christian and I's graduation. "This is to us, these years of success and hard days but we made it through and that's all that matters."
Many people cheered after she finished, but right after that the principal started the passing out of diplomas and as soon as it started, it ended quickly as I spaced out until it was Vinnie and Evan's turn.
Christian and I made our way to the outside to meet up with them, after waiting for a couple fo minutes I could see Vinnie running toward us with Evan behind him. His cap was off and his floppy hair was laying nicely on his head. As he came close enough to me, he picked me up and hugged me close to him. "I graduated." He said excitedly as I looked up at him.
"I know, I'm really proud of you." I pecked his lips and a smile showed on his face, "Now I'm dating a college guy." I intertwined our fingers together and Vinnie grasped onto it tightly.
"That's crazy, we're going to be in college!" We both looked over to Evan and Christian who were taking stupid pictures next to Evan's diploma.
"C'mon let me carry you." He got in front of me and knelt down. I smiled as I put my arms around his neck and he began to give me a piggy back ride. I held onto his diploma as we made our way over to Christian and Evan whose family was now taking pictures with him but mainly Christian. Even Christian's dad was there and he took a couple pictures, but the one thing that I was most happy about was that I saw him talking to my dad and Diana. Everything was coming back together and it was nice to see everyone together watching as both of the boys were ending one time period to go to another.