dude, that girl

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Her hand laced with his as she stared at me with stern eyes

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Her hand laced with his as she stared at me with stern eyes. "(Y/n), this is Emily Newman." Austin quickly unlaced their hands as he saw me and a smile shown on his face.

"Hi I'm (Y/n)." I put my hand out for her to shake it, but she looked at me and then back at Austin. Her dead unnatural brown hair was laying against her shoulders, and I could see the acne under her caked skin. No need to judge her, I get my occasional acne once and a while, but at least right now I didn't think I looked as much of a mess as her.

"Austin, are you coming over so we can ride in my uncle's yacht?" She smiled at him then looked over to see if I cared about a boat.

"No I-um." He looked over at me with hopeful eyes looking for help.

"He's coming over to my house today." I said quickly and her eyes darted to me.

"What?" A bit of disgust in her voice, I knew what she was playing. I had seen kids like this all the time and I wanted to help, but their demeanor towards me never made me actually do something about their situations. They have that special uncle, but when they go back home they don't have a dime and I had pity for her. She should just be herself, maybe then Austin would like her.

"Yeah, she's having me and some other friends over."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed onto his arm, "Please, for me?"

"I don't even do my own laundry and that benefits me, so I'm going to be hanging out with (Y/n)." He walked away from her and pulled my arm with him as we walked to our next class.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"My family is helping her out, but she feels as if she has to do these "favors" for me." He put his arm around me and continued walking.

"Why don't you just tell her that you don't need anything?"

He looked at me and then whispered in my ear, "She gives good head."

"Dude!" I pushed him away and he just started laughing, "Don't tell me that ever again."

"I was just saying that glock glock 9000 she got going works."

"Stop, oh my god!" He snaked his arm around my shoulder again and we both continued to walk to our next class.


" (Y/n)! OPEN THE DOOR!" I laughed as I heard Evan's voice outside. A group gathering for us, and also Austin as he was invited by himself.

I opened the door and let him, but as I saw who was behind him I froze, "Hey." She stood there kind of shy, not the same girl I saw at school. Her hair was nicely put back, her natural face and strawberry freckles and acne were actually beautiful on her. She was herself, but what was she doing here?

"Hey, do you need something? I asked as she sighed, " I mean I'm not trying to be rude-"

"No it's fine." She said as she cut me off, "I just needed people to talk to."

I looked behind me and then back at her, "Like me?" She laughed and put her hand out for me to shake it. "Yeah, look I'm sorry for the way I acted."

"It's no problem, I'm used to it." I thought for a little bit and smiled, "So you wanna come in?" I asked.

"Yeah, thanks." She walked in and her brown eyes widened as she looked around the house, "This is yours?" She asked.

"No I live with Christian, I used to live closer to Dickson High that's why I went there."

"Oh, is he your boyfriend?" I shook my head and Evan ran in towards me.

"Who's this?" He asked."

"I'm Emily Newman." She put her hand out and Evan shook it. "Cool, uh (Y/n). What movie?" I shrugged my shoulders and he smiled, "Just choose whatever."

"We were trying to, but Vin and Christian are literally acting like psychopaths." Right as he said that I heard something crash onto the floor.

"Shit. Let's go." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and led her to the living room which had Vin and Christian on the floor with Austin sitting on the sofa puffing out smoke from his mouth. I don't know how, but she still looked at him dreamily as we stood there.

"What'd you guys break?" I asked as I helped them up from the floor.

"Nothing, just a picture frame." I looked at the picture that laid on the counter as Christian sat down on the couch next to Austin. He tried to grab the vape from Austin, "Don't even think about it Christian." He put his hands up as I stared at the picture. The one that he was okay with breaking, because it was of his mom.

"Who's this?" Vinnie asked me as he saw Emily standing there next to me.

"Her name is Emily, be nice." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and looked at the photo with me, planting a kiss on my head.

(Emily's POV)

I sat on couch next to Austin as he scooted over for me to sit, "Are they dating?" I asked as I looked over at Vinnie and (Y/n).

"No, just secretly love each other." Christian said as he looked over at me, "I used to be her f-buddy but I was replaced with the actual serious relationship he had wanted to start since we were ten."

He looked over at them and smiled, "But I'm happy for them, at least it's not vape breath over here." He said laughing which made Austin nudge him. I smiled at him and he looked at Austin, "So Austin, what about you?"

"What about me?" He said as he put his vape away while letting out small circles of smoke.

"Are you secretly in a relationship we don't know about?" My eyes widened as he asked that and I just stayed quiet.

"Maybe, maybe not." He said as he got up and started to look at the movies. Evan joined him and I sat on the couch thinking about Austin's response and what I wish I could've said.

Three years ago. His hand touched mine and he kissed me. My first kiss, the only kiss I was allowed to remember as Austin's family stuffed down our throats the idea of him marrying a rich girl with a good family background and nice traits. Not my weird strawberry freckles and pink tinted acne on my cheeks, not the weird unnatural brown hair I had to look better for his family, not the actual me. Just a total different person who doesn't exist to me.

"My son will marry into a good business, once they marry it becomes his and hers. That's all they'll need in their marriage, a good bond that will mean they can never divorce." His dad would say and he would laugh and his mother, brother, and grandma would laugh too with their brand name clothing. Their hair would be nice and soft as silk while they welcomed me into their home as a friend, but never saw me as a daughter in law. So if Austin told them about our now upcoming four year relationship, we would both be dead and most of all he wouldn't have the family company and would be stuck with someone who can't feed him properly.

He would be made fun of in school, and I would be attacked as the naturally blonde haired girls in school would do things to make sure their crush on Austin was better than our own relationship.

At least Christian knew about how Vinnie and (Y/n) both felt, he knew that they had kissed the days before, at least he knew and was happy for them because he was good friend.

I was lacking good friends and I felt like with Austin's insecurity of me was overflowing the whole relationship. "I think we should watch Spider-man Homecoming." Christian said as he showed the DVDs to Evan and Austin.

"No, the second one was better." I looked over to Austin as he spoke, then to Vinnie and (Y/n) who were looking at each other sweetly, and wondered through the quiet night if one day I was going to be able to be happy just like the people around me.

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