dude, back to back

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I grabbed onto the strap of my backpack as I opened the front door, I hadn't been to school happily in a while, but it had been now three weeks since I last talked to my dad and now Austin was gone to San Antonio which left me to hang out with Chr...

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I grabbed onto the strap of my backpack as I opened the front door, I hadn't been to school happily in a while, but it had been now three weeks since I last talked to my dad and now Austin was gone to San Antonio which left me to hang out with Christian for the time being.

"C'mon Romo, we're going to be late." He hit my back as he walked inside quickly, dodging a clingy group of girls that followed behind him and making sure I was by his side.

"Look at you, already having fans."

"Yeah, no. I don't care for girls like that, they're just annoying." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked down the hall. A couple steps forward as we continued and I saw them. They walked with this stride that made me cringe, but I was still staring and her face was more caked up than ever before.

Emily changed back, and now that Austin was gone she was hooking up with whoever she wanted to. But everyone still knows what she did, not a surprise for most girls though. I glanced away as I saw her now dyed blonde hair wave past her, soon enough she's going to end up bald if she keeps killing her hair but I wasn't going to be the one to tell her that.

"She actually used to be okay, now it looks like she just went to Urban Outfitters and it threw up on her." Christian wasn't the best at giving advice in relationships, but if he saw how fake someone's hair or style was he would try to help or maybe just say something about it.

I just shrugged my shoulders as we continued to walk to our class, but Christian had other plans. "How about we don't go to class?"

"Sorry bud, I need to go to class."

"Well I have a surprise though, so you'll miss out on it." He smiled as he looked down at me.


"Are you serious? You love surprises."

"Show me after school, we have practice and I can't be failing my classes anymore." I started to walk away as he made a sad face at me. "Love you."

"Love you too." He grabbed onto his backpack and started to walk away. His tall figure going into a classroom as girls looked at him and he ignored them all completely.


I looked over at his paper and made a confused face, "No, that one is 2x squared." Vinnie looked over to me and put his head down on the worksheet in front of him.

"Look, this is how you do it." He lifted his head and grabbed my paper. He wasn't learning, just copying it all down but I didn't really care that much.

"Thanks." He passed the paper back to me and raised the music up on the small speaker my dad gave him. He mumbled as he nodded his head to the music, he looked over at me and smiled. "Don't you like this song?"

I listened to it and smiled, "No, but it's okay."

"Okay what song do you like then?"

He passed me his phone and I smiled as I searched it up, "(Y/f/s), that's what it's called." He leaned back onto the bed and smiled as the song played, "I mean it's okay, but it's not like 10 out of 10."

I started to do more of the math problems for my homework while listening while Vinnie closed his eyes and started to fall asleep. "Have you heard 2 Soon by keshi?" I asked.

He nodded his head and smiled, "Yeah, it's pretty good. It makes me smile for some weird reason."

I leaned back on the bed with him and grabbed his phone, "Let's play it then." A small sound came out of the speaker and Vin looked at it as the song started to play. His face serious as he tried not to smile, and I looked at him. He was the same Vinnie that I missed. His hair still floppy, jaw sharp, and smile nice as we sat there and listened. His gaze fixed on me as we were there, "You okay?" He asked.

I nodded my head and smiled, "Yeah." I looked away and felt his hand hit mine as we were there. I continued to look at the ceiling, his hand inching closer to mine, and finally lacing our fingers together. We didn't say anything, but I could feel my cheeks flush as I smiled to myself on the soft sheets of his bed.

"I like that line." He said softly. His thumb now softly rubbing against my hand, "Turn it up, close my eyes, then I'm with you." He sang softly as I listened.

"Yeah, I like it too." I looked over to him and his eyes met mine as the music continued, his eyes light and showing nicely as he continued to hold onto my hand tightly. I leaned closer to him and ruffled his hair. My smile fading slowly and his expression becoming confused, "When did things get so complicated?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

"It's been complicated our whole lives, now it's just getting a bit worse."

I nodded my head and faced it back to the ceiling,

"But I'm okay with it, because even though all this is happening, I'm still on a bed next to you." He grabbed onto my chin with his hand and smiled, "I'll always be happy."

His hand guiding down to my cheek and then my shoulder, "Yeah, I know you will." He smiled at my comment and nodded his head. With the music still in the background, us looking at each other, and nothing else but the still silence between us both.

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