dude, I don't want it to end

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"You're all set, have a great day

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"You're all set, have a great day." I smiled at the lady Christian and I had met at the front office on our first day. I walked out and sighed as I looked at Samson High and its tall ceilings, "Fuck this place." I whispered under my breath and smiled slightly as I walked out of the building. I walked over to my bike as I had enjoyed to ride it after I had hung out with Austin for those weeks. I was about to take off when someone stopped me, "Hey (Y/n)."

I turned around and rolled my eyes as she stood in front of me, "What?"

"Why so rude? I haven't done anything, while you were out sleeping with my boyfriend."

I scoffed as she looked at me seriously with a smirk forming on her face. Her little minions stood beside her with the same amount of makeup as her on and she was loving this new attention being given to her as she was now a leader of a small, and what I like to call, pathetic group. "Have you looked in the mirror lately Emily?"

"Yeah, I look real good."

"No you don't, you look like someone's asshole like their actual asshole. Too much makeup and everyone knows what you look like without it. Your hair unnatural, your clothes are fake brands."

Her smirk faded as I stood there, "Well I-"

I put my hand out and she stopped, "Well nothing. Just walk away and go fuck around with another girl's boyfriend, just like you did with mine." I looked over to the girls on her side who were now giving her confusing looks, "She'll do the same to you, so you might want to see how the experience was before you do anything. She's pretty good when it comes to being a home wrecker." She was now glaring at me with an angry expression, but I was never going to see her again so it wasn't my problem, "Calm down Emily, your hair is already falling out. You might not want to make it turn to grey now, that would very unattractive along with your personality."

"Shut up." She whispered.

"What?" I cupped my ear and smiled, "Sorry I couldn't hear your bullshit." A grin on my face as I rode away and while I was leaving I could hear a yell come from behind me, but I just ignored it because it's almost graduation day.

Why would I waste my time on that?


"UNO!" Christian yelled as he sat there shaking a bit from the nervousness of winning. I smiled as I sat beside him with two cards left and one being a +4 card that would ruin his win.

Vinnie leaned his arms against the carpet and glanced over at my cards, "Okay, okay." I looked over at him and nudged his arm as he smiled at me, "Were you looking at my cards?" I asked.

He nodded his head and by now it was already his turn, "Hurry up Vin." Evan said frantically as he looked at the deck. Vinnie looked over to him and then to me as he took his card out. He placed it down on the stack and smiled as Christian quickly placed his last card down and won.

"You skipped me?!"

"Bros before hoes!" Christian yelled as he dapped up Vinnie, and smiled over to Evan who already threw his cards down.

I crossed my arms as Vinnie tried to hug onto me. "See Vinnie loves me more than you." Christian added in. I flipped him off as Vinnie started to kiss my cheek continuously, after that day he had become very attached to me but it wasn't like I was complaining. He was just always by my side hugging onto me and smiling at me at random times.

"I don't know about that." I pecked Vinnie's cheek lightly as Christian started to gag and Evan was smiling at all of us.

"I know, I know. You guys had sex, chill. No need to make us feel weird about it." I turned to Vinnie and he was still looking at Christian with a nervous face. I turned his head to look over at me and he smiled, "You told them?"

"Yeah, they're my best friends."

"Whatever." I got up from the ground and walked over to the kitchen, "That means when you guys have sex than you need to tell me."

"We will. Who do you think we are? We're your best friends, don't all best friends do that?" Christian asked as he looked around to all of us.

"No, they don't. We only do that."

He bit his inner lip and brushed his hair back, "Well...that's a bit weird." Evan patted his shoulder and stood up while grabbing his bag.

"I gotta go guys, my mom wants me to come home for dinner."

"Ouuuuu, is she making this plantain things and that grey rice with beans?" Christian asked excitedly. Evan nodded his head and Christian grabbed his stuff quickly. "Well let's go then." I smiled as they both ran out of the house. Christian and Evan had become very close over the time that we met him and always hung out when Vinnie and I wouldn't be there. Evan's mom liked Christian too because she would always look at him and say she liked his slanted eyes. On the other hand, Evan's younger sister, Princesa, was very much obsessed about Christian and his look. She had a crush on him since she first met him, but Christian always hung out with Evan so they never had time to interact. He never spoke about Princesa but whenever her name came up he always tried to get away from the conversation.

"I guess it's just you and me." Vinnie put his arm around my shoulder as I started to put away the food the guys had opened and didn't put away. A small kiss was planted onto my head as I stood there next to him. I put my back against the island and looked up at Vinnie, "Vin?"

"Yeah, what's up?" He leaned his arms against the counter and smiled as he looked at me, our faces inches apart and our bodies next to each other.

"Are you scared to graduate?"

He shook his head and shrugged his shoulder, "No, not really. What about you?"

"No, I'm just scared of leaving this place. I mean I don't want to leave my dad alone."

He put his hand on my cheek and smiled down at me, "Your dad has Diana, and she is taking care of him pretty well so I don't think you need to worry about him. He'll be fine and I know you know that. So what's really on your mind?"

"I'm just worried that's all." I looked into his eyes and ruffled his hair.


"I don't want the past to repeat when we go to college." His grip on my cheek loosened as he looked at me confused, "Are you scared I'm going to be looking at other girls?" I nodded my head slowly and he looked away from me accentuating his jawline like he did all the time with that small smirk on his face. He leaned against the counter again and gripped my chin with his index finger and thumb. "I won't, I promise." He kissed me lightly leaving me to hug onto him.


"Plus the way you were in bed, I would ne-"

"Yeah, let's not talk about that." I pecked his cheek and he laughed as I got out of his grasp. "What? You didn't enjoy it?"

"Of course I did, but with that sentence you're making it seem like you're only going to stay for the sex."

"You know I'm not."

I laid down on the sofa and smiled as he laid on top of me, "I love you Vin." He looked up at me kind of surprised and I couldn't help but smile.

"I love you too (Y/n)." He kissed me again a bit more passionately and held onto my waist with a firm grip, "Round two?" He asked with a small laugh.

I grinned as he began to give me puppy dog eyes, "You're so dumb."

𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐧 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 || 𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now