dude, my choices

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We both sat in his room contemplating what we wanted

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We both sat in his room contemplating what we wanted. No one had talked since the meeting and we were both just looking at our computer screens trying to focus on the teams' highlights.
But we really couldn't, Vinnie would look up at me and I would be staring at my screen. I would look up at Vinnie and he would be looking at scholarship deals.It was like we wanted to say something, but felt like we would interrupt each other's concentration.

But I really needed to talk, I needed to know how he was feeling also, "Vinnie." 

He looked up from his screen, "Yeah?" 

"How do you feel about everything that just happened?" 

He bit his inner lip and looked back at the screen, "To be honest, I really don't know." He looked at me, "But I do know that we only have two choices where we end up in the same college together. That's Texas A&M and LSU." 

"True, but Vin we got accepted into better teams why would you want to be stuck in one where it's not so great." 

"Because we can make the team better, plus we'll be together." He smiled at me and continued to look at the screen in front of him. I didn't even think of us going to college together, I guess with everything going on I didn't really want to think of Vinnie and I going anywhere together anymore, but I mean we're just friends right now. 

And probably for a while, right?


I looked at the list again and as Austin sat beside me playing a game on his PS5, I felt kind of conflicted with everything. Austin didn't even know that I got accepted and I wasn't going to bring it up until he spoke up with some different news. 

"I'm quitting football." 

I turned to him instantly and he continued to play his game, "What?" 

"I'm not going to play football anymore, I have better plans for myself." 


"Like making sure I stay clean from everything, (Y/n)..." He put the controller down and sighed as I was sitting there, "I want a fresh start, so next week I'm moving." 

"B-But what about us? Like our friends and you know-" 

"(Y/n), we could never be in a relationship. Vinnie's always going to be there and I'm okay with that. Even though he is still a complete dick, I know you guys will take things slow and you'll never let him treat you like that again." He laced our hands together and smiled, "You're my best friend, and I like it all that way." 

I smiled as we both looked down at our hands, "Me too."

"And if you want to come visit me, I'll always have a room for you and the guys." My smile widened as I hugged onto him and we both leaned back onto the bed. His arms still wrapped around me, but now for us both in a chaste manner. 

"So where are you moving to?" 

He rubbed his thumb against my cheek and smiled nervously, "Well I'm going to San Antonio because I'm going to join the Air Force. I'll finish high school over there and enlist." 


"Yeah." He laughed at my reaction and I just sighed, "They're going to mess up your hair Austin." 

"I know, but at least I'm doing it to protect you. And a whole country, but most importantly you." He kissed my forehead and I felt my eyes sting as the thought of him going away meant that he wanted me to make up with the friends I had. Vinnie, Christian, Evan we all needed to be there for each other again. Jacob too, I needed to help him out with his family and self. 

I just needed to fix a lot of things, but Emily's going to have to wait.


The door opened and his face became pale. "Hey dad." He didn't say anything, but I was quickly engulfed by a hug that made me feel happy. A bit teary eyed, but I cleared those so he wouldn't see. 

His hug was tight. A soothing fatherly hug I hadn't had in a while, and I was glad that he wasn't smelling like alcohol with our close contact. "Okay." I tapped his shoulder and got out of the hug slowly. 

"Sorry." He smiled his cheeky smile I hadn't seen since I was smaller and opened the door for me to come inside. I walked in and we went into the kitchen, Vinnie was there with his computer and papers laying around. 

"Hey Vin." He smiled as he saw me and took off his glasses. "When did you start wearing glasses?" 

"Oh they don't have prescription, they just help with bright screens so that my eyes don't get messed up. Look." He grabbed the glasses and put them on me. A tint in my eyesight was brought onto them and I smiled as I looked around. 

"That's cool." He smiled as I was also and we continued to just stand there. A cough came from behind us and we both turned around. 

"So have you made a choice?" My dad asked as I went and sat beside him on the barstool chairs that were near the kitchen. Our conversation lasted a couple couple of hours, we started to talk about football, but then it got serious as my father wanted to apologize and I accepted his apology. I wasn't going to hold a grudge against him forever, but I knew things would change. 

It was about five o'clock when he patted my back and got up from the chair, "Alright kiddos, I got to head out for a bit but I trust you both that you'll take care of the house." His whole demeanor was very different, too different. And I was glad it was different because I was tired of the old dad I did have, but I knew there was someone else that probably put him in his place and for sure she was doing a good job. 

He grabbed his keys and headed out the door. I looked back at Vinnie who was still on his computer watching highlights of all the colleges who chose him. "A date, huh?" 

He looked up and nodded, "Yeah, she's really nice. I think you'll like her." He pointed at a container on top of the fridge, "She brought cookies, and not gonna lie they're really good!" I smiled as I sat beside him at the table and leaned my head on my hands. He was so committed to choose the right team, but I knew he needed a break. 

"Vin." He looked over at me with those glasses that made his eyes a bit smaller than they actually were. "Take a break." I closed the computer and he looked over me with a shocked expression as his eyes went from the screen to me. 

"Wait! I was watching that!" 

"You've been watching for hours Vin, C'mon." I slid the glasses off his face and he continued to look at me. Red marks on both sides of his nose from the frame of the glasses. I lightly touched them as he continued to look at me, "There you go, the redness went down a bit." His eyes shifted to look back at mine as I removed my hands from is face. He shifted his eyes back and forth from my eyes to my lips, I looked away from him and got up from the seat quickly. 

"Well uh- you want to watch a movie or something?" I asked. 

He shook his head and widened his eyes a bit, his awkwardness spreading over to make a smile, "Yeah, sure."

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