dude, not super focused

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"Football season is almost over

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"Football season is almost over." He sighed and looked over at all of us, "But that also means that graduation is coming up and it's all going to be different for a lot of you. So right now, I'm going to have all the freshman step up and help the team out while the seniors focus on their business for senior clearance. You will learn all the plays, and perform them well at practice. If not, you're cut." And the video ended. Coach had made us wake up early, so that we could put a thumbs up to his video message about the upcoming plans for the team.

It was kind of stressful that senior clearance was coming up, I probably had to pay some money to the library for not returning a book I lost freshman year. But also I was needed to talk to all of my teachers about my overall behavior and grades in their class and first was Mr. Richards.

I walked in quietly as he was still talking to a different student. He waved goodbye with a smile to the male student who passed by me to leave. "Ms. (Y/l/n)! How is everything?"

"Good sir."

"So I suppose you're here for the overall evaluation of you in my class?" He asked and I nodded my head. He sat down at his desk as I stood there kind of nervous. He looked down at the paper and signed the bottom of it.

Fidgeting with my fingers and staring as he handed it to me, "You gave me a 10/10? Mr. Richards, I was failing your class the majority of the time."

"The 10/10 is the overall grade I'll give you, not because you're an athlete and I know you need good grades to keep your scholarship with Texas A&M, but because I do believe you deserve it." He shuffled through some envelops and handed me one, "This is a recommendation letter for when you want to apply for a job or anything that needs one-"

"Sir, I can't-"

"(Y/n), do you realize how much of an impact you had in this class?" I shook my head and he continued, "When you were failing and you couldn't play, you raised your grade form a 65 all the way to a 79 which is very impressive. But also other kids saw how hard you were working which made my other top five percent kids start working their ass' off because they wanted to make sure you didn't pass them. You are a very good student (Y/n), you need to start believing it because once you get to college it gets harder and people will drift apart, but you need to know that its important to keep yourself happy."

I nodded my head, "Thank you sir." I started to walk out of the classroom when he spoke up, "(Y/n)?"


"You're very smart, now use it to your advantage."


I stared at the envelop as I laid on my bed, the contents inside still unknown but I didn't even want to open it because it was something that I wasn't worried about. I was just thinking about how I never really paid attention to anything Mr. Richards said, but in the end he was still rooting for me.

"Here." Vinnie tossed me a water bottle as he came into the room.


"So I need help with an outfit idea." He walked over to his closet and pulled out two outfits, both equally nice as he smiled at me, "Which one?"

"I like both."

"No, I need you to pick one. Which one looks better?" He moved closer to me with the outfits and looked at me waiting.

I pursed my lips together and pointed to the outfit in his right hand, "That one." He nodded his head and continued to stare at me, "Nice nice, but I don't know."

He laughed as he put them into the closet and laid beside me on his bed. We weren't super close, there was enough room to leave for Jesus, but by the look he was giving me, it seemed like that space was going to be closed quickly. He propped his arm onto the bed and continued to look down as I smiled at him, "What Vin?"

"Nothing." He leaned in closer.

I nodded my head and looked away from him, "So how do you feel about everything that happened? Like now we're signed with an official college team."

"I mean it's awesome, just a bit different." He paused and then looked up at my ceiling as he fully laid down next to me, "Now we're kind of like adults, we have a plan for college and I'm just grateful we don't have to pay for the tuition or anything."


He turned his body onto his side to look at me and I did also, kind of confused about what he was doing. "I need to ask you a really important question." He said brushing his hair back.

"Go ahead."

"If we end up having busy schedules in college, will you still end up visiting me every weekend?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, of course."

"Okay, good."

"Why'd you ask?" I ruffled his hair, he returned a smile and ruffled mine.

"Just in case in the future you don't visit me every weekend, then I can use this against you." Vinnie was now messing with the material of his shirt as we laid there and I smiled as he didn't want to look at me. I faced him to me, "I promise I'll visit you every weekend if my schedule gets too busy."

He didn't say anything, just a very intense but soft stare at me. His jaw clenched as he put his hand on mine, moving it up to his cheek. His eyes shifting from my lips to my eyes and his body becoming closer. We were laying in the bed only centimeters away from each other, but I could feel his body against mine as we looked at each other.

His face inching closer to mine, but I wasn't ready. Mentally maybe even emotionally, and Vinnie was right in front of me wanting something that I had missed but I just couldn't.

I moved a slight bit to get off the bed before anything turned more intense, but what felt like a second, Vinnie pulled me back quickly. His body was hovering over me as I looked into his green eyes that have looked at me this way for the longest time. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not going to be afraid anymore."

I scrunched my nose and laughed, "What?"

He smiled and looked away accentuating his jawline as his hair laid nicely on his head, he looked back at me and moved our faces closer to each other, "Let's try again."

𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐧 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 || 𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now